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Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
16 Jun 2015

The political left has come up with a new buzzword: "micro-aggression." Professors at the University of … Read More.

9 Jun 2015
Who Lost Iraq?

After the pro-Western government of China was forced to flee to the island of Taiwan in 1949, when the … Read More.

26 May 2015
Graduation Gifts

This is the season of college graduations, and many people may be wondering what kinds of gifts would be most … Read More.

Paying the Price


Baltimore is now paying the price for irresponsible words and actions, not only by young thugs in the streets, but also by its mayor and the state prosecutor, both of whom threw the police to the wolves, in order to curry favor with local voters.

Now murders in Baltimore in May have been more than double what they were in May last year, and higher than in any May in the past 15 years. Meanwhile, the number of arrests is down by more than 50 percent.

Various other communities across the country are experiencing very similar explosions of crime and reductions of arrests, in the wake of anti-police mob rampages from coast to coast that the media sanitize as "protests."

None of this should be surprising. In her carefully researched 2010 book, "Are Cops Racist?" Heather Mac Donald pointed out that, after anti-police campaigns, cops tended to do less policing and criminals tended to commit more crimes.

If all this has been known for years, why do the same mistakes keep getting made?

Mainly because it is not a mistake for those people who are looking out for their own political careers. Critics who accuse the mayor of Baltimore and the Maryland prosecutor of incompetence, for their irresponsible words and actions, are ignoring the possibility that these two elected officials are protecting and promoting their own chances of remaining in office or of moving on up to higher offices.

Racial demagoguery gains votes for politicians, money for race hustling lawyers and a combination of money, power and notoriety for armies of professional activists, ideologues and shakedown artists.

So let's not be so quick to say that people are incompetent when they say things that make no sense to us. Attacking the police makes sense in terms of politicians' personal interests, and often in terms of the media's personal interests or ideological leanings, even if what they say bears little or no resemblance to the facts.

Of course, all these benefits have costs. There is no free lunch. But the costs are paid by others, including men, women and children who are paying with their lives in ghettos around the country, as politicians think of ever more ways they can restrict or scapegoat the police.

The Obama administration's Department of Justice has been leading the charge, when it comes to presuming the police to be guilty — not only until proven innocent, but even after grand juries have gone over all the facts and acquitted the police.

Not only Attorney General Holder, but President Obama himself, has repeatedly come out with public statements against the police in racial cases, long before the full facts were known.

Nor have they confined their intervention to inflammatory words.

The Department of Justice has threatened various local police departments with lawsuits unless they adopt the federal government's ideas about how police work should be done.

The high cost of lawsuits virtually guarantees that the local police department is going to have to settle the case by bowing to the Justice Department's demands — not on the merits, but because the federal government has a lot more money than a local police department, and can litigate the case until the local police department runs out of the money needed to do their work.

By and large, what the federal government imposes on local police departments may be summarized as kinder, gentler policing. This is not a new idea, nor an idea that has not been tested in practice.

It was tested in New York under Mayor David Dinkins more than 20 years ago. The opposite approach was also tested when Dinkins was succeeded as mayor by Rudolph Giuliani, who imposed tough policing policies — which brought the murder rate down to a fraction of what it had been under Dinkins.

Unfortunately, when some people experience years of safety, they assume that means that there are no dangers. That is why New York's current mayor is moving back in the direction of Mayor Dinkins. It is also the politically expedient thing to do.

And innocent men, women and children — most of them black — will pay with their lives in New York, as they have in Baltimore and elsewhere.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at



5 Comments | Post Comment
As always - wonderful words of truth and wisdom. Thank you Mr Sowell.
Comment: #1
Posted by: Lani R
Tue Jun 2, 2015 12:45 PM
We didn't ask the police to stop STOPPING murders, we asked them to stop COMMITTING murders.
Police are on record as saying they are "demoralized" and have "slowed down doing their job".
Since when is feeling "demoralized" an acceptable excuse for "slowing down" or not doing your job? If your doctor was feeling demoralized from relationship problems or administration got on his case about insurance fraud, he can't just let his patients die. Just Keeping it 100 with another intellectually dishonest author.
Comment: #2
Posted by: steveM
Thu Jun 4, 2015 11:24 AM
These are not comments by an intellectually dishonest author. This column was the work of someone who is studied and learned in history, economics, and sociology and who understands the damage being done to African American communities by those who believe blacks cannot function like other human beings. Those people, mostly white liberals, believe that African Americans cannot work hard, get an education, or understand simple rules of society. They "help" African Americans by excusing behaviors that lead to their being assaulted, arrested, or murdered by members of their community or by the police. I have often said the KKK can rest because liberals will allow the black community to kill itself off through tolerance of uncivilized behavior. It is time for liberals to accept the truth that African Americans can be successful if they are held to the same standards as the rest of society. Thomas Sowell is proof of that whether you disagree with his philosophy or not.
Comment: #3
Posted by: Brian Myers
Sat Jun 6, 2015 2:03 PM
Re: Brian Myers
That's quite a point of view and I have read that before and LOL'd:))
"White liberals"? Sounds more like closet raci$t$ left over from the progressive liberals of the Thomas Bilbo school of thought. In fact, Roosevelt congratulated him calling him a real friend of liberal government. One can only presume you and they are using the term "liberal" in an economic, not social context.
As far as understanding who and what is damaging to African American communities, I look to those like Dr. Robert C. Smith, he has a doctorate in African American studies and has published 10 books, written numerous articles and essays on the subject and is co author of a leading textbook in the field (American Politics and the African American Quest for Universal Freedom) and the Encyclopedia of African American Politics. I would recommend Conservatism and Ra$i$m: and Why In America They Are The Same Thing.
Comment: #4
Posted by: steveM
Sun Jun 7, 2015 11:43 AM
Re: Lani R

DR .... Sowell
Comment: #5
Posted by: Jonathan Haack
Sun Jun 7, 2015 10:02 PM
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9 Jun 2015 Who Lost Iraq?