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Thomas Sowell
16 Jun 2015

The political left has come up with a new buzzword: "micro-aggression." Professors at the University of … Read More.

2 Jun 2015
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Baltimore is now paying the price for irresponsible words and actions, not only by young thugs in the streets,… Read More.

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This is the season of college graduations, and many people may be wondering what kinds of gifts would be most … Read More.

Who Lost Iraq?


After the pro-Western government of China was forced to flee to the island of Taiwan in 1949, when the Communists took over mainland China, bitter recriminations in Washington led to the question: "Who lost China?" China was, of course, never ours to lose, though it might be legitimate to ask if a different American policy toward China could have led to a different outcome.

In more recent years, however, Iraq was in fact ours to lose, after U.S. troops vanquished Saddam Hussein's army and took over the country. Today, we seem to be in the process of losing Iraq, if not to ISIS, then to Iran, whose troops are in Iraq fighting ISIS.

While mistakes were made by both the Bush administration and the Obama administration, those mistakes were of different kinds and of different magnitudes in their consequences, though both sets of mistakes are worth thinking about, so that so much tragic waste of blood and treasure does not happen again.

Whether it was a mistake to invade Iraq in the first place is something that will no doubt be debated by historians and others for years to come. But, despite things that could have been done differently in Iraq during the Bush administration, in the end President Bush listened to his generals and launched the military "surge" that crushed the terrorist insurgents and made Iraq a viable country.

The most solid confirmations of the military success in Iraq were the intercepted messages from Al Qaeda operatives in Iraq to their leaders in Pakistan that there was no point sending more insurgents, because they now had no chance of prevailing against American forces. This was the situation that Barack Obama inherited — and lost.

Going back to square one, what lessons might we learn from the whole experience of the Iraq war? If nothing else, we should never again imagine that we can engage in "nation-building" in the sweeping sense that term acquired in Iraq — least of all building a democratic Arab nation in a region of the world that has never had such a thing in a history that goes back thousands of years.

Human beings are not inert building blocks, and democracy has prerequisites that Western nations took centuries to develop.

Perhaps the reshaping of German society and Japanese society under American occupation after World War II made such a project seem doable in Iraq.

Had the Bush administration pulled it off, such an achievement in the Middle East could have been a magnificent gift to the entire world, bringing peace to a region that has been the spearhead of war and international terrorism.

Germany and Japan had been transformed from belligerent military powers threatening world peace for more than half a century to two of the most pacifist nations on earth, in both cases after years of American occupation reshaped these societies. Why not Iraq?

First of all, Germany and Japan were already nations before the American occupation. There was no "nation-building" to do. But Iraq was a collection of bitter rivals — Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, for example — who had never resolved their differences to form a nation, but were instead held together only by an iron dictatorship, as Yugoslavia once was.

Replacing German and Japanese dictatorships with democracy after World War II was a challenge. But both countries remained under American military governments for years, slowly gaining such self-governing powers as the military overseers chose, and at such a pace as these overseers deemed prudent in the light of conditions on the ground.

American authorities did not rush to set up an independent government, able to operate at cross purposes because it was "democratically elected" in a country without the prerequisites of a viable democracy.

Despite the mistakes that were made in Iraq, it was still a viable country until Barack Obama made the headstrong decision to pull out all the troops, ignoring his own military advisers, just so he could claim to have restored "peace," when in fact he invited chaos and defeat.

This is only the latest of Obama's gross misjudgments about Iraq, going back to his Senate days, when he vehemently opposed the military "surge" that crushed the terrorist insurgency, as did Senator Hillary Clinton also, by the way.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at



10 Comments | Post Comment
"debated by historian for years to come", really!!!!!!. Only debated by the losers who did it,the Republicans under Bush.The notion George Bush has the intellectual capacity to understand nation building,government,fiscal policy,or anything else except getting the beer and wearing a funny suit at a ballgame is ludicrious.There is no doubt America could stabilize any country with it military might.We could stay there for ever,EXCEPT, people like Mr.Sowell here don't want to pay for it.That would need a redistribution of wealth from the rich he always supports to a cause in the middle of a desert.Putting it the card forever,as Bush did, will wear thin with Sowell's Wall Street buddies. The fact American soldiers who also would be killed, maimed,or just used up is of no concern for Sowell or his Republican rich.Redistributing wealth is a bid no no with conservative but lives,ours,Iraq's,etc., are not.
Comment: #1
Mon Jun 8, 2015 12:09 PM
Well said, Mr. Kelley.
I can only imagine what Mr. Sowel would have said had Obama agreed to leave our nation's military in Iraq with them subject to Iraqi law, as was the insistence of the Iraqi government under the status of forces agreement. No, this mess belongs to the foolish little man from Texas and the neocons. As we were going into Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz stated that Islam was not a problem because Iraq was a largely secular society and that there were no important religious sites in the country. A history professor (I can't recall the name) observed that Wolfowitz and the others pushing the war were smart and amazingly ignorant. We are now in the endless blow-back to Bush's war fantasy of "getting the man who tried to kill my dad".
No Mr. Sowel, you don't get a fantasy rewrite of this mess. Your guy owns it. Obama did not do a perfect job, but the disaster he inherited did not loan itself to easy solutions. Thank god he has had the wisdom of ignoring the desires of neocon fools who want a war with Iran.
Comment: #2
Posted by: Mark
Mon Jun 8, 2015 11:16 PM
I agree w/the comments of WILLIAM KELLEY and Mark.
I have one of my own.
I have googled your statement, Mr. Sowell, that president Obama ignored his military advisor's "just so he could claim to have restored the peace". Obama is nobody's fool. Never have I heard him make such a foolish claim.
For benefit of doubt, I google your statement.
I could find no such claim made by President Obama. He claimed a few things such as "sovereign, stable, self-reliant Iraq and "a representative government that was elected by the Iraqi people".
(I googled these words, none of which are synonymous with "peace".)
The damage done to Iraq and it's people by the US & all those who assisted in destroying that nation and people based on lies and false information fed by I$raeli intelligence (via Wolfowitz?) and backed by the Military Machine and Energy Barons with Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz at the helm is beyond despicable. (Wolfowitz and his ties w/Big Oil and World Bank and his penchant to do the bidding of I$rael.) They all should be made to pay reparations to Iraq and the American people and stripped of whatever is left of their wealth and jailed

President Obama was fulfilling his promise to the American people to extricate the US from Iraq.
Is their country, their resources, their government, their responsibility. Right or wrong, they could work toward peace or they could have ongoing battles; but it would be they who would benefit from the peace and they who would do the fighting and dying for their wars.
Comment: #3
Posted by: steveM
Tue Jun 9, 2015 9:28 AM
I wait to see if my comment would be censored. Very pleased to see it cleared.
I add this Mr. Sowell. You reach many conclusions which are arguable and biased with which I disagree such as those addressed by WILLIAM and Mark, but you lose your credibility when you speak untruths.
Comment: #4
Posted by: steveM
Tue Jun 9, 2015 9:39 AM
Re: WILLIAM KELLEY "The notion George Bush has the intellectual capacity to understand... is ludicrious"
Really Kelley?! Bush made his transcripts from Yale and Harvard (where he had a higher GPA than the current Sec. of State) public and is the only President to have earned an M.B.A. Obama refuses to allow his supposed transcripts to be made public so we only have his word that he did in fact graduate. Given his "Corpsemen","visiting 57 States", "R-S-P-E-C-T", Thinking Honolulu was in Asia... on and on.makes one wonder if even his High School diploma was simply the result of Affirmative Action.
Given the lack of intellectual rigor of both your and Mark's comments, it is not surprising that you would foolishly attempt to match wits with Dr. Sowell.
Comment: #5
Posted by: jhep3304
Tue Jun 9, 2015 11:14 AM
I refer to him as the foolish little man from Texas based on his performance in office. Little man who needed to play dress-up for the BS fly-in to deliver the "Mission Accomplished" speech. Little man who said "Bring 'em on" when it was the sons and daughters of other Americans who would die when the terrorists obliged. He may have been a tool of the corporations, but I don't think he was stupid. I think that "bubba" Bush was an act to put his base at ease; to make them believe that he was one of them, not a blue-blood child of privilege. I do believe him to have been a fool in office and that we will be paying for his callous ignorance for generations to come.
Comment: #6
Posted by: Mark
Tue Jun 9, 2015 10:08 PM
Comment: #7
Posted by: ROGER KENT
Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:26 AM
Testimony On How My Life was Transform through the help of a God-sent Lender!!!!

Hello everyone, I am Kathie Roper by name, am writing this Testimony because am really grateful for what Mason Diego did for me and my family, when I thought there was no hope he came and make my family feel alive again by lending us loan at a very low interest rate of 2%. Well I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts for the past three months all I met scammed and took my money until I finally met a God sent Lender. I never thought that there are still genuine loan lenders on the internet but to my greatest surprise i got my loan without wasting much time so if you are out there looking for a loan of any amount i would advise you to email Mr Diego via email: { } and be free of internet scams. thanks... Kathie Roper from California, USA.
Comment: #8
Posted by: Laura Billey
Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:29 AM
Re: Laura Billey

This is a heartwarming story. I'm happy to hear that God is still placing special lenders on Earth for the little people like you and me.
Comment: #9
Posted by: GL
Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:10 PM
"This is only the latest of Obama's gross misjudgments about Iraq, going back to his Senate days, when he vehemently opposed the military "surge" that crushed the terrorist insurgency, as did Senator Hillary Clinton also, by the way."

As with the leaders in Baltimore, Obama did not make misjudgments - Obama intended for ISIS or some similar entity to take over Iraq.

Comment: #10
Posted by: SusansMirror
Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:33 PM
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