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Lane Library Today

Library Lower Level

Lane Medical Library is an operating unit within the Medical Student Education group led by Senior Associate Dean Charles Prober, MD.

Lane Library is comprised of four groups, all of which support Stanford Medical Center’s research, education, and patient care objectives.

The Lane Library is a state-of-the-art medical library operation. We are proud of our rich history dating back to 1882.

Resource Management

We acquire and license digital content and other library materials and organize and facilitate access to such resources.

We provide assistance with digital resource access, process suggestions for library purchases and gifts.


Dick Miller
Dick Miller

CAP profile

Research & Instruction

We provide access to information resources and reference and consultation at the point of need.

We support a liaison program, specialty portals, special collections and archives. We teach workshops and provide research assistance.


Lauren Maggio
Lauren Maggio

CAP profile

Knowledge Integration

We develop and support search-and-discovery applications to simplify the workflow of clinicians, researchers, and biomedical trainees.

We support FindIt@Stanford, Lane Catalog and Voyager, library websites, metasearch, access to electronic journals and databases.


Tony Christopher
Tony Christopher

CAP Profile

History Center

The Stanford Medical History Center collects and maintains materials related to the history of health care, medical research, and medical education at Stanford and beyond.

Historical Curator

Drew Bourn
Drew Bourn

CAP Profile