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Spiritual Care



Caregiving seminar:
Please, Listen to Me. Having the Important Conversations

  • October 2013
  • Sponsored by Cancer Prevention Institute of California, Stanford Hospital Health Library, Stanford Hospital and Clinics, and Stanford Cancer Institute

Shehechianu: Living in the Moment
Part of the series
"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • February 2012
  • Speaker: Rev. C. George Fitzgerald
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Sacred Art of Listening
Part of the series
"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • January 2012
  • Speaker: Rev. John Harrison
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Spirituality and Medicine at Stanford Hospital
Part of the series"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • December 2011
  • Speaker: Rev. Cynthia Irvine
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Forgiveness and Repairing Relationships
Part of the series
"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • February 2012
  • Speaker: Rev. C. George Fitzgerald
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Ethical Wills
Part of the series
"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • January 2012
  • Speaker: Rabbi Lori Klein
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Spirituality and Aging, Grief and Loss
Part of the series
"Sacred Conversations as We Age"

  • January 2012
  • Speaker: Reverend Susan Scott
  • Presented by the Stanford Spiritual Care Program

Stroke of Insight

  • February 2008
  • Speaker: Jill Bolte Taylor
Spiritual Care Service

Spiritual Care Service


We provide in-person or virtual (via BlueJeans) consultations.
Lane Virtual Meeting Room

Lord Jesus, I pray for your healing touch
Upon my body during surgery.
Guide the hands of the doctor
And all who assist in the surgery.
Use their skills to restore me
To health and wholeness.
I ask you to remove any fear
Or anxiety from my mind
And fill me with the peace
That you alone can give.
I place myself completely
Into your hands, Lord Jesus,
Trusting in your care and love for me.
May my recovery be swift,
My strength renewed,
And my health restored.
Bless those, Lord,
Who are concerned about me today.
I need their love and support,
And ask you to be with them
In a special way.
Replace any fear they have with your peace.
I place it all into your hands, Lord.
You are the Divine Healer.
UpToDate: A point-of-care clinical information resource containing succinct and aggressively updated clinical topic reviews.PubMed: provides fulltext access to Lane's resources. Includes the MEDLINE database, which contains coverage of over 5000 journals and more than 16 million citations for biomedical articles, including, but not limited to, clinical trials, systematic reviews, case reports, and clinical practice guidelines.Lane RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication)
Limit your PubMed search to Cochrane Reviews, AHRQ Evidence Reports, BMJ Clinical Evidence topics, FPIN Clinical Inquiries, and ACP Journal Club article reviews. Limit your PubMed search to systematic reviews, meta-analyses, reviews of clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, consensus development name conferences, guidelines and citations to articles from journals specializing in review studies of value to clinicians.The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC): A comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents.PubMed Guidelines: PubMed search restricted to articles identified as "guidelines"PubMed Reviews: Reviews limited to selected pediatric journals, core clinical journals, past 5-years, and English-language.eMedicine: A point-of-care clinical information resource containing articles on 7,000 diseases and disorders. The evidence-based content, updated regularly, provides the latest practice guidelines in 59 medical specialtiesMedlinePlus: A repository of health information from the National Library of Medicine. Links are from trusted sites. No advertising, no endorsement of commercial companies or productsLPCH CareNotes via MicroMedex: Patient education handouts customized by LPCH clinical staffBMJ Clinical Evidence. A clinical information tool built around systematic reviews summarizing the current state of knowledge about prevention and treatment of clinical conditionsMicroMedex: Premier pharmaceutical information source containing multiple databases and drug reference tools. Of particular value is DRUGDEX Evaluations, one of the most comprehensive drug sources available.Micromedex Lab Advisor: Evidence based laboratory test information