7.4 Compensation and Benefits
A. Compensation
Salary is set annually, with changes based on merit, performance, department resources, and in accordance with the overall annual salary programs promulgated by the School of Medicine. Changes in salary occur annually and are effective for the start of the fiscal year.
The Dean of the School of Medicine (or his or her delegate) approves an Instructor’s salary on recommendation from the department chair in advance of any commitment to the candidate. General funds may not be allocated to support the salary of an Instructor. Departments should strive for comparable pay for comparable work and should provide clear productivity expectations and measures that are linked to salary and incentives.
If an Instructor is concurrently employed by Stanford University and by the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (“VAPAHCS”), the Stanford base salary will be prorated by the University and paid based on the percentage of the Stanford University Medical Center appointment. The VAPAHCS will pay the Instructor at its rate for the VAPAHCS portion of employment
B. Benefits
Instructors who meet the eligibility criteria have access to certain Stanford exempt regular staff comprehensive benefits after employment begins, including medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance, professional development opportunities, retirement plans, and a college tuition grant program for eligible dependents.
Full descriptions and eligibility guidelines are available from the Stanford Benefits Office website, http://benefits.stanford.edu.
The University also provides expert assistance with childcare, elder care and other work and family support. Information is available from the WorkLife Office website, http://worklife.stanford.edu.
C. Housing and Relocation
Housing and relocation information and assistance is available regarding rental resources, information on the housing market, cities, neighborhoods, schools, moving vendors, etc. Additional information is available from the School of Medicine’s relocation office, http://med.stanford.edu/relocation.
D. Identification Cards and Privileges
Instructors are eligible for a Stanford University Faculty/Staff machine-readable photo identification card that allows use of Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation and library facilities and services.
Instructors (Affiliated) are eligible for a Courtesy Card that allows use of library facilities and services, including Lane Library borrowing privileges. Off-campus access to online databases requires the appointing Stanford department to sponsor the Instructor (Affiliated) for a base SUNet ID for computing services, as long as the person to be sponsored meets basic eligibility requirements. More information is available at http://www.stanford.edu/dept/as/mais/applications/sponsorship/.
Additional information about identification cards and the privileges afford to them are available in Administrative Guide Memo 2.4.3, https://adminguide.stanford.edu/chapter-2/subchapter-4/policy-2-4-3.
E. SUNetId
The SUNet ID is a unique account name that identifies an individual as a member of the Stanford community, with access to the Stanford University Network of computing resources and services. The SUNet ID is a permanent and visible part of the individual’s Stanford identity. More information is available at http://accounts.stanford.edu/.