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Get Involved

Why Get Involved?

Studies indicate that students who are involved outside of the classroom are more likely to excel in the classroom, earn higher grades and graduate at a faster rate. Aside from the academic benefits of getting involved, the WCC is a great place to explore your own personal interests as they relate to women’s issues. The WCC is always happy to welcome active, energetic and inspired individuals throughout the year. Outlined below are several ways to become involved in the women's community here at Stanford.

Subscribe to the WCC-announce Email List

Subscribe to the WCC-announce email list to access a range of Stanford’s events and opportunities relating to women and women’s issues. As part of your membership on this list, we invite you to publicize for the groups with which you’re involved on campus. The wcc-announce list reaches a very diverse audience of women and men in the Stanford community, and it can be a valuable resource.

To ensure that the WCC-announce list is beneficial to all recipients and meet our mission, all posts must support the success of women students at Stanford by providing innovative opportunities for scholarship, leadership and activism. Although we encourage you to embrace your beliefs and we value posts from both sides of every issue, please use your best judgment in posting about topics that are appropriate and relevant for the Women’s Community Center subscribers.

Here are a few specific guidelines to follow before posting to the list:

  1.  All posts must relate to scholarship, leadership or social activism.
  2. Post only from your address.
  3. Do not post more than twice about a single event. (We consider this spam.)
  4. Do not use offensive language or graphics in your posts.

Please know that ignoring these requests will result in your removal from the list.

Volunteer: WCC Internships and More

If you're an undergrad interested in getting involved and helping out for a few hours a week at the WCC, apply to be a WCC intern! This is a great opportunity to learn about Stanford and the WCC, and gain some relevant leadership skills with a cohort of interns.  Applications are available in the fall.  For more information, contact Monica Chin, our Intern Coordinator.

If you're a graduate student and interested in helping out with events or getting involved, contact the graduate women's coordinators, Annie Atura and Mackenzie Cooley.

Each year the Stanford Women's Leadership Conference, organized by WCC Staff Coordinators and Interns, seeks volunteers for publicity, preparations, and exciting day-of opportunities.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact the SWLC Coordinator, Alona King, and look out for emails in the winter on the WCC-announce list!

If none of this sounds right but you'd love to volunteer in some way, contact the WCC staff and we'll figure something out!

Work at the WCC

The Women’s Community Center hires both undergraduate and graduate students each year to plan and implement creative programming that help us meet our mission. The application and interview process takes place every spring quarter for employment the following academic year. If you have a strong interest in social justice, equity and women’s rights, we encourage you to apply. Applications available each spring. For more information, contact Faith Kazmi.

Present an Idea at a WCC Staff Meeting

Do you want to get the staff excited about something? If so, you can arrange to present your project or information to the staff during a staff meeting. Contact Faith Kazmi to arrange a time.

Contribute to the Blog

Have an idea for Femtastic Friday or the Femtastic Blog? Email with your idea and a staff member will work with you to see if it's a good fit. Our goal is to facilitate positive, productive, and proactive conversations about issues that women face locally, nationally, and internationally.