Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Past Media Coverage: 2013

Plan Calls for Renewable Energy to Power NY State and More  »

December 31, 2013

Discusses Mark Jacobson's proposal for powering New York State with renewable energy. He is a senior fellow with Stanford Woods Institute.

By Carolyn Weaver, Voice of America

Offshore Wind Farms Could Protect Cities From Hurricanes »

December 26, 2013

Details research by Woods Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson that finds giant offshore wind farms could such the power out of major storms

By Bobby Magill, Associated Press (via Kitsap Sun of Bremerton, Wash.)

Viewpoints: How Should California Pay For Its Water System »

December 21, 2013

Op-ed by Newsha Ajami, director of urban water policy for Water in the West and ReNUWIt

By Newsha Ajami, Sacramento Bee

Climate Scientists, Then and Now, Espousing ‘Responsible Advocacy’ »

December 20, 2013

Refers to lecture in memory of the late Stephen Schneider, Woods senior fellow, on Schneider's views regarding the climate change debate

By Andrew Revkin, The New York Times

Are Antibacterial Soaps Really Better? »

December 20, 2013

Senior Fellow Stephen Luby discusses Food and Drug Administration action on active ingredients in antibacterial soaps

By Ashley P. Taylor, Popular Mechanics

Poll: Americans See Impact of Global Warming »

December 20, 2013

Story and graphic about new survey by Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick that finds Americans believe the Earth's temperature will continue to rise if nothing is done

By Wendy Koch, USA Today

Tracking the Secret Lives of Great White Sharks »

December 19, 2013

Article mentions Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Barbara Block, who leads a team of researchers in tagging great white sharks; their studies have revealed the sharks' regular migration patterns and a number of their hotspots

By Peter Brannen, Wired

365 days: Nature's 10 »

December 18, 2013

Cites Woods Senior Fellow Chris Field as one of "Five to Watch" during 2014 because of his work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


Environmentalists Split Over Need For Nuclear Power »

December 17, 2013

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Mark Jacobson as advocate for wind and solar power in debate over whether to use nuclear energy

By Richard Harris, KQED

Palm Oil Proving Unhealthy for People, Environment »

December 13, 2013

Refers to study led by Woods Senior Fellow Lisa Curran that found cutting down palm-oil plantations would add significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere

By Joel Brinkley, San Francisco Chronicle

Restoring Life to S.F.'s Long-Blighted Mountain Lake »

December 13, 2013

Describes efforts to clean Mountain Lake in San Francisco by Niveen Ismail, a Stanford graduate student in environmental engineering working with Woods Senior Fellow Dick Luthy

By David Perlman, San Francisco Chronicle

How We Can Use Nature to Fend Off Flooding in Puget Sound »

December 12, 2013

Op-ed co-authored by Stanford Woods Institute Consulting Professor Mary Ruckelshaus

By Michael Stevens and Mary Ruckelshaus, The Seattle Times

Abandoned Mine Could Yield Clues to Stopping Global Warming »

December 10, 2013

Discusses research co-authored by Stanford Woods Institute-affiliated Professor of Geology Gordon Brown

By John Roach, NBC News

A Closer Look at Tornadoes in a Human-Heated Climate »

December 9, 2013

Times columnist quotes scientists, including Woods Senior Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh, critiquing a recent op-ed that declared there has been a decline in tornadoes.

By Andrew Revkin, The New York Times

Climate Extremes on the Rise, With Worse to Come, IPCC Leader Says »

December 6, 2013

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Chris Field, who is co-chair of Working Group 2 of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, on climate change tipping points

By Peter Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald and Brisbane Times

Experts: Polls Now Show Americans of All Stripes Want Action on Climate Change »

December 4, 2013

Describes survey findings by Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick that majorities of Americans in every state said the government should limit greenhouse gas emissions

By Michael Krancer,

Stanford Indian American Prof Gets Gates Foundation Grant »

December 2, 2013

Cites $100,000 award to Manu Prakash, a Stanford assistant professor of biochemistry who is affiliated with the Stanford Woods Institute


Slashing Fossil Fuel Consumption Comes With a Price »

December 2, 2013

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Sally Benson, who is challenging her Stanford students to reduce emissions from all energy sources

By Richard Harris, NPR

The Great Greening of the Global North »

November 19, 2013

A radio discussion on NPR's Boston station about how farming is changing due to climate change, including comments by Woods Senior Fellow David Lobell

By Tom Ashbrook, WBUR

National Polling: American Electorate Sees Effects on Climate Change and Wants Action »

November 18, 2013

Discusses new polling data by Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick and Visiting Scholar Bo MacInnis on changing American attitudes regarding climate change

By Ashley Ahearn, Oregon Public Broadcasting
