Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment



Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of Escherichia Coli Isolated from Feces, Hands and Soils in Rural Bangladesh Using the Colilert Quanti-Tray System »

Public Health | Published Work | December 29, 2015

Timothy R. Julian, M. Aminul Islam, Amy Pickering, Subarna Roy, Erica R. Fuhrmeister, Ayse Ercumen, Angela Harris, Jason Bishai, Kellogg J. Schwab
"Sue to Adapt?” Minnesota Law Review »

Freshwater | Published Work | November 2, 2015

Jacqueline Peel , Hari M. Osofsky
Hand bacterial communities vary across two different human populations. »

Public Health | Published Work | June 11, 2015

Hospodsky, D, A.J. Pickering, T.R. Julian, D. Miller, S. Gorthala, A.B. Boehm

Financing small-scale wastewater treatment through resource recovery: Experience from Bocas del Toro, Panama »

Public Health | Published Work | April 30, 2015

Sebastien Tilmans, Ana Diaz-Hernandez, Eric Nyman, Jennifer Davis
Impacts of Sea Ice Retreat, Thinning and Melt-Pond Proliferation on the Summer Phytoplankton Bloom in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean »

Oceans | Published Work | April 27, 2015

Molly A. Palmer, Benjamin T. Saenz, Kevin R. Arrigo
Hopkins Marine Station Fact Sheet »

Oceans | Fact Sheet | April 16, 2015

Hopkins Marine Station
Center for Ocean Solutions Fact Sheet »

Other | Fact Sheet | April 16, 2015

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
A Review of the United States’ Past and Projected Water Use »

Freshwater | Published Work | April 8, 2015

Debra Perrone, George Hornberger, Oscar van Vliet, Marijn van der Velde
Climate Change Litigation: Regulatory Pathways to Cleaner Energy? »

Climate | Published Work | April 6, 2015

Jacqueline Peel, Osofsky, H.M.,
Freshwater Experts - Media Tip Sheet »

Freshwater | Other | April 2, 2015

Christine Black
Climate Experts - Media Tip Sheet »

Climate | Other | April 2, 2015

Christine H. Black
Opportunities and Strategies to Incorporate Ecosystem Services Knowledge and Decision Support Tools into Planning and Decision Making in Hawai'i »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | April 1, 2015

Leah Bremer, Jade M. S. Delevaux, James J. K. Leary, Linda J. Cox, Kirsten L. L. Oleson
Managing small-scale commercial fisheries for adaptive capacity: Insights from dynamic social-ecological drivers of change in Monterey Bay »

Oceans | Published Work | March 19, 2015

Aguilera SE, Cole J, Finkbeiner EM, Le Cornu E, Ban NC, Carr MH, Cinner JE, Larry Crowder, Gelcich S, et al.
Growth-dependent photoinactivation kinetics of Enterococcus faecalis »

Public Health | Published Work | March 13, 2015

Maraccini PA, Wang D, McClary JS, Alexandria Boehm
Get the science right when paying for nature's services »

Ecosystem Services and Conservation | Published Work | March 13, 2015

S. Naeem, J. C. Ingram, A. Varga, T. Agardy, P. Barten, G. Bennett, E. Bloomgarden, Leah Bremer, P. Burkill, et al.
Dynamic Ocean Management: Identifying the Critical Ingredients of Dynamic Approaches to Ocean Resource Management »

Oceans | Published Work | March 11, 2015

Rebecca Lewison, Alistair J. Hobday, Sara Maxwell, Elliott Hazen, Jason R. Hartog, Daniel C. Dunn, Dana Briscoe, Sabrina Fossette, Catherine E. O'Keefe, Michele Barnes, Melanie Abecassis, Steven Bograd, N. David Bethoney, Helen Bailey, David Wiley, Samantha Andrews, Elliott Hazen, Larry Crowder
The fingerprint of climate trends on European crop yields »

Climate | Published Work | March 3, 2015

Frances C. Moore, David Lobell
