Simon Wiederhold

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The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance

by Eric Hanushek, Marc Piopiunik, Simon Wiederholdvia National Burea of Economic Research
Friday, December 12, 2014

Differences in teacher quality are commonly cited as a key determinant of the huge international student performance gaps. However, convincing evidence on this relationship is still lacking, in part because it is unclear how to measure teacher quality consistently across countries.

Returns to Skills Around the World: Evidence From PIAAC

by Eric Hanushek, Guido Schwerdt, Simon Wiederhold, Ludger Woessmannvia Working Group on Economic Policy
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Working Group on Economic Policy: WP13114
This paper updates estimations of labor-market returns to human capital by re-examining traditional measures that rely exclusively on school attainment and put too much weight on early-career earnings by incorporating adult skills over full lifecycle earnings in 22 countries.