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Financial Stability
Oversight Council

Council Meetings

On Thursday, November 16, Secretary Mnuchin presided over a meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (Council) at the Treasury Department.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act requires the Council to convene no less than quarterly, but the Council has historically convened on a more frequent basis. The meetings bring Council members together to discuss and analyze emerging market developments and financial regulatory issues.  The Council is committed to conducting its business as openly and transparently as practicable, given the confidential supervisory and sensitive information at the center of its work.  Consistent with the Council's transparency policy, the Council opens its meetings to the public whenever possible. 

Open session Council meetings are made available to the public via live webcast and also can be viewed after they occur here. Upcoming Council meeting dates and times are posted following the official notification to Council members of an upcoming meeting.

Meeting minutes for the most recent Council meeting are generally approved at the next Council meeting and posted online soon afterwards.  Meeting minutes for past Council meetings are available here. Readouts for past Council meetings are available here.  

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Last Updated: 11/16/2017 5:17 PM

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