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Working Papers

These papers are working drafts of research which often appear in final form in academic journals. The published versions may differ from the working versions provided here.

Nur Sunar, Erica Plambeck
September 8, 2015
A state with climate policy may impose a tax on imported products for greenhouse gas emissions that occur in production and transportation to its border (a so-called border adjustment). A buyer may voluntarily commit to offset its...
Anat R. Admati, Peter M. DeMarzo, Martin F. Hellwig, Paul Pfleiderer
September 2, 2015

This paper explores the dynamics of corporate leverage when funding decisions are made in the interests of shareholders. In the absence of prior commitments or regulations, shareholder-creditor conflicts give rise to a leverage ratchet effect,...

Dokyun Lee, Kartik Hosanagar, Harikesh S. Nair
September 2015

We investigate the effect of social media advertising content on customer engagement using a large-scale field study on Facebook. We content-code more than 100,000 unique messages across 800 companies using a combination of Amazon Mechanical...

Oystein Daljord, Sanjog Misra, Harikesh S. Nair
September 2015

Observed contracts in the real-world are often very simple, partly reflecting the constraints faced by contracting firms in making the contracts more complex. We focus on one such rigidity, the constraints faced by firms in...

Rebecca Diamond
August 27, 2015

From 1980 to 2000, the rise in the U.S. college-high school graduate wage gap coincided with increased geographic sorting as college graduates concentrated in high wage, high rent cities. This paper estimates a structural spatial...

Katherine Casey, Rachel Glennerster, Kelly Bidwell
August 24, 2015

Candidate debates have a rich history, offer a unique communication forum, and have become integral to contemporary campaign strategy. There is, however, no definitive evidence of whether they affect actual voting behavior. The relative scarcity...

Stefan J. Reichelstein, Stephen D. Comello
August 7, 2015

The federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar installations is scheduled to step-down from 30% to 10% at the beginning of 2017 for corporate investors. This raises the question whether solar PV will be cost...

Joseph D. Piotroski, Suraj Srinivasan, Peter Joos
August 2015

We use a dataset of sell-side analysts’ scenario-based equity valuation estimates to examine whether analysts can assess the state-contingent risk surrounding a firm’s fundamental value. We find that the spread in analysts’ scenario-based valuations captures...

Joseph D. Piotroski, Ed deHaan, Joshua Madsen
August 2015

Building on research in psychology, we predict that unpleasant weather negatively affects capital market participants’ moods and activity levels, causing a muted response to information events. Exploiting within firm-quarter tests, we find that analysts experiencing...

Joseph D. Piotroski, Peter Joos
August 2015

Using a unique dataset of scenario-based investment reports, we examine whether the placement of an analyst’s valuation forecast, relative to his/her own subjective assessment of the distribution of scenario-based valuations for the covered firm (i.e.,...

Darrell Duffie, Piotr Dworczak, Haoxiang Zhu
July 27, 2015

We analyze the role of benchmarks in over-the-counter markets subject to search frictions. The publication of a benchmark can, under conditions, raise total social surplus by (i) increasing the volume of beneficial trade, (ii) reducing...

Doron Israeli, Charles M. C. Lee, Suhas A. Sridharan
July 26, 2015

In a noisy rational expectations framework with costly information, some agents expend resources to become informed, and earn a return for their efforts by trading with the uninformed. Applying this insight, we examine the proposition...

Rebecca Diamond
July 24, 2015

Governments may extract rent from private citizens by inflating taxes and spending on projects which benefit special interests. Using a spatial equilibrium model, I show that less elastic housing supplies increase governments’ abilities to extract...

Ed deHaan, Simi Kedia, Kevin Koh, Shivaram Rajgopal
July 20, 2015

We investigate the consequences of the “revolving door” for trial lawyers at the SEC’s enforcement division. If future job opportunities motivate SEC lawyers to develop and/or showcase their enforcement expertise, then the revolving door phenomenon...

Rebecca Diamond, Timothy James McQuade
July 2015

We estimate the spillovers of properties financed by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) onto surrounding neighborhood residents. We nonparametrically estimate the impact of LIHTC development on nearby house prices by developing a new...

Anna Tuchman, Harikesh S. Nair, Pedro M. Gardete
June 24, 2015

The standard paradigm in the empirical literature is to treat consumers as passive recipients of advertising, with the level of ad exposure determined by firms’ targeting technology and the intensity of advertising supplied in the...

Susan Athey, Dean Eckles, Guido W. Imbens
June 5, 2015

We study the calculation of exact p-values for a large class of non-sharp null hypotheses about treatment effects in a setting with data from experiments involving members of a single connected network. The class includes...

Alexander V. Hirsch, Ken Shotts
June 1, 2015

We analyze a model of policymaking in which only one actor, e.g., a bureaucratic agency or a well-funded interest group, has the capacity to develop high-quality policy proposals. By virtue of her skills, this actor...