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A picture of a stock market ticker.
August 24, 2015

Are Exchange-Traded Funds Dumbing Down the Markets?

These investments, now more popular than hedge funds, come with a down side.


Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg being escorted by security guards | Reuters/Eduardo Munoz
July 21, 2015

Elizabeth Blankespoor: In IPO Road Shows, the Messenger Is the Message

New research shows that snap judgments of a CEO’s presentation style affect stock price.


Man walking past a wall painting labeled “Map of Start-up” at the Google Campus start-up space in the Gangnam district of Seoul. | Reuters/Thomas Peter
June 9, 2015

George Foster: Are Startups Really Job Engines?

Entrepreneurship can be personally rewarding and good for the economy, if we wipe the stardust from our eyes.


Health care worker reviewing a file in a massive archive | Reuters/Phil McCarten
June 29, 2015

Daniel P. Kessler: The Hidden Cost in Changing Doctors

High fees for your own medical records can be a barrier to switching.


A woman walking out of Google
February 26, 2015

Lisa De Simone: How U.S. Companies Export Profits to Save on Taxes

A Stanford scholar examines three methods of income shifting, and why some firms benefit more than others.
Learn about corporate accountability and social responsibility, and the operational structures of corporations.

Latest Stories in Accounting

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Are Earnings Reports Obsolete?

It’s easier than ever to find up-to-the-minute data on companies. So why are investors in love with old-fashioned financial statements?
September 29, 2015

How to Stay Rational When the Markets Go Crazy

Four guidelines for surviving and thriving in the current volatility
August 24, 2015

Are Exchange-Traded Funds Dumbing Down the Markets?

These investments, now more popular than hedge funds, come with a down side.
July 28, 2015

Are Big Drug Companies Too Slow to Report Patient Deaths to the FDA?

A new analysis shows that some pharmaceutical companies may be dragging their feet on disclosing critical data.
July 21, 2015

Elizabeth Blankespoor: In IPO Road Shows, the Messenger Is the Message

New research shows that snap judgments of a CEO’s presentation style affect stock price.
July 13, 2015

Iván Marinovic: Why Honest Job Appraisals Can Be Bad for Business

Honesty isn't always the best policy when it comes to performance reviews.
June 29, 2015

Daniel P. Kessler: The Hidden Cost in Changing Doctors

High fees for your own medical records can be a barrier to switching.
June 9, 2015

George Foster: Are Startups Really Job Engines?

Entrepreneurship can be personally rewarding and good for the economy, if we wipe the stardust from our eyes.
June 5, 2015

Daniel Kessler: The Anti-Competitive Risk of “Accountable Care”

Stanford researchers find that vertically integrated healthcare systems charge higher prices.
April 22, 2015

David Larcker: Nonprofit Boards Fall Short

A new survey shows many lack skills, engagement to effectively oversee organizations.