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Insights by Stanford Business


Silhouetted people holding a meeting | Reuters/Yuya Shino
September 8, 2015

Adina Sterling: What Your New Co-Workers Know About You Matters

First impressions follow new hires into their tenure at a job.


Illustration by Tricia Seibold
September 11, 2015

How to Know When It is Time to Switch to Plan B

Novice entrepreneurs often make the mistake of sticking with a business plan for too long.


Susan Akbarpour | Courtesy
August 20, 2015

Susan Akbarpour: “I Want to Change the Way People Shop”

The founder of online tool Mavatar discusses consumer behavior, persistence, and the value of transparency.


A woman hanging dyed yarn to dry at a textile mill on the outskirts of Agartala | Reuters/Jayanta Dey
September 22, 2015

Are Management Practices Changing in Developing Economies?

Workers who feel a sense of belonging stay in their jobs longer.


Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg being escorted by security guards | Reuters/Eduardo Munoz
July 21, 2015

Elizabeth Blankespoor: In IPO Road Shows, the Messenger Is the Message

New research shows that snap judgments of a CEO’s presentation style affect stock price.


Britain's Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge at a ceremony
August 27, 2015

Why White People Downplay Their Individual Racial Privileges

Research shows that white Americans, when faced with evidence of racial privilege, deny that they have benefited personally.


Chef uses a knife to slice vegetables on a cutting board. | iStock/Chris Gramly
September 16, 2015

Ai Chloe Chien: “I Never Wanted to Be an Entrepreneur”

Company founder targets diseases through cooking schools.


A group of office employees work in front of computers and their work | Reuters/Stephen Lam
September 10, 2015

Lindred Greer: Great Leaders Understand the Fundamentals

Managers are often chosen for reasons other than competence.


 Illustration of the Internet of Things | iStock/DrAfter123
September 18, 2015

The “Wild West” of Innovation is Hotter Than Ever

How to become part of the future of the Internet of Things.

Latest Stories

October 6, 2015

Are Earnings Reports Obsolete?

It’s easier than ever to find up-to-the-minute data on companies. So why are investors in love with old-fashioned financial statements?
October 6, 2015

Mark Leslie: Putting the “We” in Leadership

Being a leader isn’t about being the smartest person in the room.
October 5, 2015

How to Mitigate the Downside of Success

Innovative companies often see creativity dwindle over time.
October 2, 2015

Corvette Chief Engineer on Why You Won’t See a Self-Driving Sports Car

With 37 years at GM, Tadge Juechter offers a long-view perspective on the auto industry.
October 1, 2015

Gil-li Vardi: Can Businesses Learn from Military Strategy?

A military historian says organizational assumptions are rarely correct.
September 29, 2015

How to Stay Rational When the Markets Go Crazy

Four guidelines for surviving and thriving in the current volatility
September 29, 2015

Jeffrey Pfeffer: How to “Lean In” to Power

Power skills and behaviors matter for career success.
September 25, 2015

What it Takes to be a Search Fund Entrepreneur

Acquiring an existing company has lower risks than starting your own business.
September 23, 2015

Emrecan Dogan: “Success Is the Product of Constant Reiteration”

The CEO of ScoreBeyond explains how entrepreneurs must rewire their brains.
September 22, 2015

Are Management Practices Changing in Developing Economies?

Workers who feel a sense of belonging stay in their jobs longer.