C.W.F. Everitt

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My first research was in paleomagnetism applied to geological structures and plate tectonics. I then moved to cryogenics and, in particular, the experimental discovery of third sound in superfluid helium. With this background in cryogenics and ultra-low magnetic field technologies, I became the first full-time member, and ultimately PI, of the Gravity Probe B Relativity mission, the test of two fundamental effects of general relativity on orbiting gyroscopes, launched April 20, 2004. The GP-B technologies also led to the upcoming Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP). In the history of science, I have written biographical studies of James Clerk Maxwell, Fritz and Heinz London, Leonard Schiff and William Fairbank, as well as sundry articles on other aspects of 19th and 20th century physics.

Last modified Fri, 7 Sep, 2012 at 10:17