Table of Contents


Introduction (GAP 1.1)

Document 1.1


Current version

April 8, 2009


All Stanford staff, in central, school and department offices, who work in support of graduate education, and the students and faculty with whom they work

Related Policies

All GAP documents

Related Bulletin Section
Related Information and Forms

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If you have questions or suggestions about this handbook, contact the office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education.

This handbook is a reference for Stanford faculty, staff and students. Where the current Stanford University Bulletin includes coverage of these topics, the current Bulletin is the governing policy. Stanford University reserves the right to make changes to its applicable policies, procedures and other materials contained here at any time and without prior notice.


Introduces the content and format of the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures handbook


The information compiled in this set of documents is derived from several sources, including primarily the Stanford Bulletin.  The GAP handbook is designed to bring together into one resource the guiding policies, their rationale, and the various systems, forms and other tools related to their implementation.

The intent of this handbook is to provide a ready reference for those working with Stanford graduate students throughout their academic program at Stanford. 


Many of the policies provided here have been adopted through the academic governance structure of Stanford University, particularly throughthe actions of its Academic Senate and its Committee on Graduate Studies.  Where the Stanford Bulletin includes coverage of these topics, the current Bulletin is the governing policy.

In addition to providing and explaining policies, these documents also describe general implementation procedures for carrying out these tasks.  In this regard, the GAP documents include links to forms and other web sites where important information is available.

1.1 Applicability

The information provided here is generally applicable to all schools, departments and programs at Stanford University, unless otherwise noted. Within those schools, departments and programs, some of the processes described here may be carried out differently depending on local circumstances and the particular facts of individual students' cases. The information contained here is campus-wide in its scope, however, and should provide a starting point for local implementation.

1.2 Process for Revisions

The office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE) will work with the Office of the Registrar, and with staff in central, school and department offices, to help maintain the accuracy of the information provided in this handbook.

As university policies in these areas are modified, these offices will work together to provide updated information here, and to maintain consistency between what is provided here and what is published in other sources, such as the Stanford Bulletin and the various forms administered by the Office of the Registrar.

All users of this handbook are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions to the publisher in the office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education.  In addition, a “Contact” office is identified for each individual document.


1. Consolidates university information into the documents in the Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures handbook. VPGE
2. Coordinates content with other university and school offices. VPGE
3. Publishes to the GAP web site, and updates content as appropriate.   VPGE
4. Reviews content in conjunction with the publication of the Stanford Bulletin. VPGE and Registrar
5. Offers suggestions for content and format of the GAP handbook.   GAP Users
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