Case Studies

This section presents case studies demonstrating-in very concrete ways-how methods of sex and gender analysis function to create gendered innovations.

View Case Studies for:


Health & Medicine



Animal Research: Designing Health and Biomedical Research

Animal Research 2: Analyzing how Sex and Gender Interact

Genetics of Sex Determination: Rethinking Concepts and Theories

Stem Cells: Analyzing Sex

Textbooks: Rethinking Language and Visual Representations



Chronic Pain: Analyzing How Sex and Gender Interact

Colorectal Cancer: Analyzing How Sex and Gender Interact

Covid-19: Analyzing Sex and Analyzing Gender

De-Gendering the Knee: Overemphasizing Sex Differences as a Problem

Dietary Assessment Method: Analyzing How Sex and Gender Interact

Heart Disease in Diverse Populations: Analyzing Sex and Gender

Nanotechnology-Based Screening for HPV: Rethinking Research Priorities and Outcomes

Nutrigenomics: Analyzing Factors Intersecting with Sex and Gender

Osteoporosis Research in Men: Rethinking Standards and Reference Models

Prescription Drugs: Analyzing Sex and Gender

Systems Biology: Analyzing How Sex and Gender Interact



Exploring Markets for Assistive Technologies for the Elderly: Engineering Checklist

Extended Virtual Reality: Analyzing Gender

Facial Recognition: Gender and Intersectionality in Machine Learning

Gendering Social Robots: Analyzing Gender

Haptic Technology: Analyzing Gender

HIV Microbicides: Rethinking Research Priorities and Outcomes

Inclusive Crash Test Dummies: Rethinking Standards and Reference Models

Human Thorax Model: Rethinking Standards and Reference Models

Machine Learning: Analyzing Gender

Machine Translation: Analyzing Gender

Making Machines Talk: Formulating Research Questions

Video Games: Engineering Innovation Processes

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: Analyzing Gender and Intersectionality in Social Robots


Agriculture: Embedding Gender Norms in Innovation Processes

Climate Change: Analyzing Gender, and Factors Intersecting with Gender

Environmental Chemicals: Designing Health and Biomedical Research

Housing and Neighborhood Design: Analyzing Gender

Marine Science: Analyzing Gender

Menstrual Cups: Life-Cycle Assessment

Quality Urban Spaces: Gender Impact Assessment

Smart Energy Solutions: Intersectional Approaches

Smart Mobility: Co-Creation and Participatory Research

Waste Management: Co-Creation and Participatory Design

Water Infrastructure: Participatory Research and Design

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