Executive Program in Strategy and Organization

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Executive Program in Strategy and Organization

Effectively diagnose and solve problems using proven frameworks for executing change in this multidisciplinary strategic management course.

Through pioneering multidisciplinary research from Stanford GSB faculty, you’ll learn how to think strategically for your organization, its culture, and the environment in which you compete.

Experience two academically rigorous weeks packed with lectures, exercises, case studies, discussion groups, talks with Silicon Valley executives, and visits from other notable guest speakers.

At Stanford, we focus on frameworks that help you think in new ways about the strategic challenges and opportunities you face. Rather than getting a checklist of best practices, you’ll come away with the skills you need in order to create powerful, winning action plans.

You’ll gain insight into why certain strategies work and others fail. And you’ll explore cutting-edge research on human motivation and economic incentives, game theory, and the role of power and influence. It’s a unique opportunity to learn things you won’t find in the news or in business books, and to see how researchers and your fellow executives look at business to spark new ideas.

Key Benefits

​Gain the necessary skills to design and build winning action plans that align with your company culture and sustain competitive advantage.
  • Explore how your organization’s shortcomings and competencies translate into strategic challenges and opportunities.
  • Develop skills to build appropriate action plans.
  • Achieve alignment between the competitive environment and your company’s strategy and organizational structure.
  • Use analytical tools to identify and evaluate a business’s strategy and its position in the industry.
  • Develop effective frameworks for executing change-management initiatives.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior executives with 10 to 15 years of experience
  • Senior functional leaders transitioning into general management
  • Division-level managers who will soon assume corporate-level positions
  • Individuals from larger global organizations — from any industry and any country

06 Aug 2017 – 18 Aug 2017


In-person|Stanford GSB


23 Jun 2017

Program Fee

US $25,000

The program fee includes tuition, private accommodations, all meals, and course materials.


Certificate of completion


Christine Parcells
Associate Director, Programs
Executive Education
Video Introduction
byStanford Graduate School of Business
See how this program uses cutting-edge research to reveal why some companies win and others fail.

Learn More About the Program


Explore our carefully designed curriculum, and go deeper with select course descriptions or a sample schedule.

Application Requirements

Review all eligibility requirements, and learn about the application process.

Participant Profile

Learn more about our past participants, and find out if the program is right for you.

Faculty Leadership

Jesper B. Sørensen
The Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Professor and Professor of Organizational Behavior
  • Co-Director, Executive Program in Strategy and Organization
  • Director, Seed Transformation Program – East Africa
  • Director, Seed Transformation Program – West Africa
Andrzej Skrzypacz
The Theodore J. Kreps Professor of Economics
  • Co-Director, Executive Program in Strategy and Organization

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Participants in the classroom.
26 Feb 2017 – 05 May 2017
In-person|Stanford GSB
20 Aug 2017 – 25 Aug 2017
In-person|Stanford GSB