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 Illustration of a person walking away from a box of which they climbed out | Michael-Merck/iStock
November 23, 2015

William Barnett: The Value of Fuzzy Market Categories for Entrepreneurs

Sometimes it pays to define your product market more broadly.


 Illustration of the Internet of Things | iStock/DrAfter123
September 18, 2015

The “Wild West” of Innovation is Hotter Than Ever

How to become part of the future of the Internet of Things.


Man zip lining over a forest
May 28, 2015

Do Mentions of God Persuade Consumers to Buy?

Research shows that references to God can prompt people to take more risks.


A hand holding a pencil - with "ideas" showing behind it. | iStock/Marvid
October 19, 2015

An Entrepreneur Finds that Scarcity is a Great Teacher

Bootstrapping a startup can make you scrappy and creative.


In balletic pose, wearing pink shirts to show their support for the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the England Rugby union squad go through warm-up exercises.  Russell Boyce/Reuters
June 19, 2015

Benoît Monin: How Men React When Their Masculinity is Questioned

Findings have implications for how marketers sell products to men.


Authenticity and Focus | Illustration by Tricia Seibold and iStock/chuwy
July 29, 2015

How to Tell the Story of Your Brand

Aim for “subtle” product pitches, and find ways to bring your brand loyalists face-to-face with each other.
Learn to build management teams, encourage professional development, and create a productive culture within your corporation or business.

Latest Stories in Marketing

December 10, 2015

Jennifer Aaker: Capturing the Power of Empathy

Why product designers should put themselves in the shoes of their consumers.
November 25, 2015

How Our Self-Control Affects the Way We See Risk

Research shows that people with low self-control tend to underplay the negative consequences of their decisions.
November 23, 2015

William Barnett: The Value of Fuzzy Market Categories for Entrepreneurs

Sometimes it pays to define your product market more broadly.
October 19, 2015

An Entrepreneur Finds that Scarcity is a Great Teacher

Bootstrapping a startup can make you scrappy and creative.
October 6, 2015

Mark Leslie: Putting the “We” in Leadership

Being a leader isn’t about being the smartest person in the room.
September 18, 2015

The “Wild West” of Innovation is Hotter Than Ever

How to become part of the future of the Internet of Things.
September 3, 2015

How to Handle Audience Skepticism

Anyone with a novel idea, from an entrepreneur to a product marketer, should know how to handle a suspicious audience.
August 20, 2015

Susan Akbarpour: “I Want to Change the Way People Shop”

The founder of online tool Mavatar discusses consumer behavior, persistence, and the value of transparency.
August 14, 2015

Where Does Your Product Fit in the Market?

The best entrepreneurs marry conviction with adaptability.
August 7, 2015

Working Across Genres Can Dilute Your Brand

Combining categories makes it harder for people to understand what you are doing.