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Research in Progress (RIP) Seminar: "Preventing Cardiovascular Disease"



Joseph Ladapo, New York University

Date and Time

December 2, 2015 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


CHP/PCOR Conference Room

117 Encina Commons, Room 119
Stanford, CA 94305

"Preventing Cardiovascular Disease: Pathways through Diagnostic Testing, Clinical Guidelines, and Patient Decision Making"


Please note: All research in progress seminars are off-the-record. Any information about methodology and/or results is embargoed until publication.



Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and consumes 17% of our national healthcare expenditures. Diagnostic testing in clinical settings—particularly for coronary heart disease—and incorporation of economic evidence into professional society guidelines represent underdeveloped opportunities to catalyze adoption of preventive health measures. Financial incentives that influence patient decision-making may also be an effective tool to increase adoption of preventive health measures, and we are currently testing their effectiveness and return on investment in high-risk, hospitalized smokers.

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