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Core Experimental Laboratory for Ecology (Bio 44Y)
Biology 44Y Students Core Experimental Laboratory for Ecology (Biology 44Y) brought 250 Stanford students to the Preserve for ecology labs during spring quarter of 2003. As a core course, Bio 44Y is required for all Biology majors.

The students collected and analyzed samples of aquatic systems in Corte Madera and San Francisquito Creeks to explore relationships between abiotic factors and macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance.

A series of Hester-Dendy sampling plates were placed at various sites in the creeks. These devices, composed of multiple masonite plates divided by nylon spacers, provided artificial substrates for macroinvertebrates and were disassembled by students for specimen examination. The students measured the effects of five abiotic factors: dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, velocity, and conductivity, on the populations of macroinvertebrates that settled on the plates.
Stanford University Classes (2622)
Anth Sci 3 -- Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeological Sites (Rick)
Anth Sci 149 -- Archaeological Field Methods (Bandy)
Arch 19 -- Historical Archaeological Field Methods, Continuing Studies (Jones, Bandy)
Art Hist 150A -- American Architecture and Urbanism (Littman)
Bio 13 -- Wildflower Families of the Bay Area, Continuing Studies (Corelli)
Bio 35 -- Trees and Shrubs of the San Francisco Bay Region, Continuing Studies (Corelli)
Bio 44Y -- Core Experimental Lab (Malladi, Yelton)
Bio 96A/B -- JRBP Docent Training Program (Vitousek)
Bio 117 -- Biology and Global Change (Matson, Vitousek, Mooney)
Bio 120 -- General Botany (Preston)
Bio 223 -- Plant Taxonomy (Preston, Cornwell, Ray)
CEE 31Q -- Accessing Architecture Through Drawing (Walters)
CEE 61Q -- Big Dams, City Hall, and the Sierra Club (Kitanidis)
CEE 166D -- Water Resources (Freyberg)
CEE 176A -- Energy Efficient Buildings (Masters)
CTL 60 -- Investigating Stanford's Treasures (Moser)
Esys 10 -- Introduction to Earth Systems (Ernst)
Esys 189 -- Field Studies in Earth Systems (Chiariello, Fendorf, Ackerly, Matson, Miller)
GES 175 -- Science of Soils (Fendorf)
Phi 133 -- Major Figures in 20th-Century Philosophy (Føllesdal)
Urb 172 -- Green Architecture (Jacobson)
Urb 181 -- Environmentally Sustainable Cities (Cushing)
-- Quest Scholars Program (Ackerly)
-- History of Stanford Architecture (Kwan)
Non-Stanford University Classes (148)
Bio 13 -- Santa Clara University, Investigations in Ecology & Evolution (Edgerly-Rooks)
Bio 103 -- Cañada College, Native Plants and Wildflowers (Steiner)
CE 140 -- Santa Clara Univ., Water Resources Engineering (Perry)
720958X -- De Anza College, Natural History of the Bay Area (West-Bourke)
ES 79 -- De Anza College, Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems (Gould)
-- Ecological Society of America, Strategies for Ecology Education, Development, and Sustainability

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