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Protocols and Regulations for Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

January 2013

The executive director has primary responsibility for use and access and this responsibility is, in turn, delegated to appropriate staff (e.g., research proposals to the Staff Scientist, classes to the education coordinator, etc.). An access card to the main gate is provided to all individuals approved for unsupervised access. Each card has a unique number that is associated with that approval. That approval may be rescinded at any time for activities or behaviors not consistent with preserve guidelines and protocols. These same conditions also hold for assigned keys to other Preserve entry points and access to the Leslie Shao-ming Sun Field Station.

1.1 All users and visitors who are not faculty, staff, registered Stanford students, or docents/volunteers, and whose activities will not be limited to the Leslie Sun Field Station and associated parking areas must sign a waiver form (

1.2 Permission to access the Preserve is allowed after the proposed activity or use has been reviewed by appropriate staff and found to be consistent with the mission, policies, and management plans for the preserve. Any other access that has not been reviewed by staff* and not consistent with policy may be treated as trespass.

1.3 By accepting an access card or key, users acknowledge that entry into the preserve may be electronically tracked or otherwise monitored.

1.4 Permits for unsupervised entry are provided only under the following conditions:
    1.4.1 Participation and completion of the Bio 96/docent class.
    1.4.2 Non-docent volunteer activity that has been reviewed and approved by appropriate staff.
    1.4.3 All docents and volunteers that have been inactive for two or more years may have their access revoked.
    1.4.4 Research activity that has been reviewed and approved by the Staff Scientist.
    1.4.5 Faculty, university staff, vendor, emeritus, or other University officials approved by either the faculty director or the executive director.
    1.4.6 On rare occasions, special courtesy access may be approved by the executive director in consultation with appropriate staff.

1.5 Permitted users are responsible for:
    1.5.1 Familiarizing themselves with relevant field hazards and must review all health and safety information provided by JRBP (;
    1.5.2 Knowing how to contact Jasper Ridge staff when in the field;
    1.5.3 Knowing the location of the emergency assembly area (visitor parking lot).
    1.5.4 Preventing "tailgate entry" when entering through the main gate. Permittees are expected to enter beyond the gate zone and wait until the gate closes before continuing.
    1.5.5 Reporting signs of trespass or vandalism to the resident ranger, ranger on duty, or if not available, the executive director or other staff.

1.6 Non-permit entry is allowed only under the following conditions:
    1.6.1 Part of a scheduled class visit.
    1.6.2 Emergency personnel.
    1.6.3 Vendors, deliveries, or pre-arranged meetings with the knowledge of a JR staff person.
    1.6.4 Participation or attendance in a sanctioned event (for further details about sanctioned events, see

1.7 Entry by anyone under 14-years of age is prohibited with the following exceptions:
    1.7.1 Part of a staff approved class. There must be a signed release form by the legal guardian.
    1.7.2 Part of an approved event such as Stanford's Parent's Weekend or Stanford Community Day.
    1.7.3 Prior approval by the executive director.

1.8 Pets are not allowed on the Preserve without explicit, prior approval by the executive director. If the executive director is unavailable or there is insufficient lead time, then access is assumed to be denied unless the Staff Scientist is in charge and assumes decision-making responsibility.

January 2013

1.9 All visitors and users ARE NOT permitted to share or otherwise distribute information that would facilitate unauthorized access, such as sharing or otherwise distributing identifying information regarding trail locations, sensitive site, scientific or operating equipment, or ranger operations.

1.10 Researchers are permitted to bring up to 2 assistants as needed for their work. Prior permission from the executive director is required to bring visitor groups or larger numbers of assistants.

1.11 If a permit holder fails to comply with any conditions associated with access, the executive director, after proper consultation, can restrict or terminate access and the user's subsequent use applications may be rejected.

1.12 Photos taken while at Jasper Ridge are subject to Stanford University policy ( Commercial use of photos is generally not considered compatible with Stanford's research and education mission or its non-profit status.

1.13 Visitors must park in the visitor parking lot unless they are delivering supplies or have accessibility constraints.

2.1 The following rules apply to all visitors and users when in the field.

2.1.1 Without prior approval, all activities are confined to labeled roads and trails.

2.1.2 All users and visitors operating a vehicle or bicycle must obey posted speed limits, and must be alert for visitors on foot or wildlife and must yield to them.

2.1.3 Activities are restricted to daytime hours (not more than an hour past sunset or before sunrise) unless staff is informed and approves of the activity. This restriction does not include the Leslie Shao-ming Sun Field Station.

2.1.4 Unless authorized by staff, collecting is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances is collecting allowed for personal reasons.

2.1.5 Disturbance of habitat is strictly prohibited. This also means that all litter must be removed.

2.1.6 There is no smoking at anytime or anywhere on the preserve.

2.1.7 Introduction of any organism or biological material (including spores, seeds, plants or animals) from outside the Preserve's boundaries is forbidden without specific prior review and approval by the staff scientist.

2.1.8 All motorized vehicles must be parked at established parking areas, except for specific alternate authorization from a Jasper Ridge staff member.

2.1.9 Unless otherwise indicated by staff, visitors must park in the visitor parking lot.

2.1.10 Users may have access to electric vehicles only when their activity has been reviewed and sanctioned by staff. Electric vehicles must be signed out.

2.1.11 Electric vehicles are not available for use for at least 24-72 hours after significant rainfall.

2.1.12 Researchers or students accessing field sites by mountain bikes are restricted to roads. They may not ride bikes on trails. The preserve has two bikes it provides for use. Users must always wear helmets when riding bikes.

2.1.13 When on trails, protective clothing, including closed-toed shoes should be worn at all times to reduce the risk of physical injury. You should also follow any other safety guidelines communicated to you by Stanford or your instructor. By entering JRBP, you acknowledge these risks of injury and agree to assume all responsibility for your own safety.

*Staff refers to paid personnel at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, including the Faculty Director.

PDF FormatDownload Protocols and Regulations (PDF format)

Main Gate and Escobar Gate Access Schedule
(Affilate keycards will not unlock gates outside these hours without special permission):

Spring (Begin DST - April 30)
6:30am - 7:00pm

Summer (May 1 - August 31)
5:30am - 8:00pm

Fall (Sept 1 - End DST)
6:30am - 7:00pm

Winter (Begin PST - End PST)
7:00am - 5:00pm

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