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Support for Authors

Does Lane Library Have a Hindawi Institutional Membership?

Lane is not an institutional member of Hindawi Publishing Corporation, an open access journal publisher.

Is Stanford a Member of BioMed Central, BMC?

Yes. A 15% discount on APC's is available to Stanford authors.

From January 2006 to the present, Lane Library has been a BioMed Central Supporter Member, entitling all Stanford authors to a 15% discount on APC's, Article Processing Charges, for articles selected for publication in journals published by BioMed Central.

BioMed Central Information for Authors

Is Stanford a Member of NAR, Nucleic Acids Research?

Yes, Stanford is a member of NAR. Stanford authors receive a 50% discount on author charges when publishing in Nucleic Acids Research.

If you do not have funding for the Open Access Publication Charge, you can fill out and submit the Waiver Application Form 2009.

NAR's Open Access Initiative

How Do I Find the Impact Information for Journals?

Search the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) to find the impact factor of a specific journal title.

Stanford currently subscribes to both the Science Edition and the Social Sciences Edition.

The Thomson/ISI documentation states that the Journal Citation Reports are generally available in the summer following the end of the year.

The analysis is based on each journal's publication date. It can take several months after the end of the year to receive and index all issues dated for that year. So, for example, in late April 2012, the latest results are for 2010.

Assess the Impact of Your Published Research

Instant analysis of citation statistics can be obtained via ISI's Citation Reports (available through ISI's Web of Science), or Science Citation Index Expanded.

Tables of citation information for an individual or institution can be generated and exported quickly, listing data such as:

  • total number of citations
  • average citations per item and year
  • citation half-life
  • number of papers

Graphical summaries that display paper publication and citation trends can also be produced. The Analyze Tool provides easy access to all citing items, along with the ability to remove self-citations and further examine the information. There is also a breakdown of the citation history for each record which can be exported for further analysis.