Bids and Contract Process

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Competitive bidding is required at Stanford. The Contracts Office can assist you with the bid process and finding qualified contractors for your project. They will also work with you on contract development so that your contractor can begin work on your project.

Their services include:

  • Providing guidelines to select contractors
  • Providing sample contracts with General Terms and Conditions
  • Reviewing document compliance
  • Awarding and issuing contracts

Note that you are NOT authorized to sign documents that may obligate the University.

Tips for Bids and Contracts

  • Include a sample contract for prospective contractors when soliciting bids
  • Only solicit bids from licensed contractors
  • Have all required supporting documentation ready and attach them to your requisition-this will help expedite the process
  • Provide accurate project start and completion dates with any contract request; these dates are legally binding
  • Allow approximately 21 days for processing and issuing contracts

Contact Information

Contracts Office directory