Project Management Resources

Who We Are

The Department of Project Management Resources serves schools and departments who manage their own facilities and infrastructure projects versus utilizing the professional project management services of Land, Buildings, and Real Estate. These projects are known as Departmentally Managed Projects, or DMPs. We connect DMP project managers with the extensive University resources available to them throughout every phase of their projects. Project managers are responsible for understanding and complying with University policies and jurisdictional requirements and always maintain authority and responsibility for their projects.

What We Do

We help schools and departments deliver successful projects through training, resource guidance, enhanced communications, and increasing awareness of University policies and procedures. Our primary areas of focus include:

  • Aggregating and communicating knowledge of DMPs across schools and departments
  • Training and qualifying DMP project managers
  • Serving as a liaison and point of contact with Santa Clara County

Share and Communicate Information

  • We meet with schools and departments regularly to discuss their DMP projects and provide them with relevant resources and information
  • Project knowledge is shared across the University to improve understanding and awareness of all campus construction projects

DMP Training and Development

  • Is required for all DMP project managers per the DMP policy
  • Follows the University's Project Delivery Process, or PDP.
  • Covers topics related to Project Initiation, Planning and Design, Permitting, Construction, and Closeout
  • Concentrates on Stanford resources, policies, procedures, and guidelines as they relate to successful project delivery
  • Provides contact information for departments and subject matter experts who can be of assistance throughout the life cycle of a project
  • View DMP Training information

Liaison with Permitting Jurisdictions

  • University point of contact for Santa Clara County
  • Facilitate communication with permitting jurisdictions when needed
  • DMP project managers continue to work directly with jurisdictions for plan check and permit process