Stanford ADRC Imaging Core

The Imaging Core provides researchers with user-friendly structural and functional brain imaging of Stanford Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) participants.  The Core has particular expertise in imaging based on functional connections between brain areas affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.  Imaging data can analyzed in conjunction with other ADRC data, including results of neuropsychological testing, spinal fluid measurements, and blood biomarkers.  Imaging Core faculty also provide tools to assist Stanford investigators using imaging data from the national Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initative

Michael Greicius, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Imaging Core leader

Dr. Greicius is the medical director of the Stanford Center for Memory Disorders and the principal investigator of the Functional Imaging in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (FIND) Lab. His research involves the use of imaging to identify and characterize the large array of brain networks whose actions and interactions support normal human behavior. His lab also uses network-based imaging approaches and genetics to gain insights into Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders. Recent work has focused on sex-based differences in the genetic risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Robert F. Dougherty, PhD
Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Dougherty is the Research Director of the Stanford Center for Neurobiological Imaging (CNI), where he facilitates the research of over 30 NIH-funded labs. His research focuses on the relationships between behavior and brain structure and function, with a particular focus on in-vivo measures of tissue structure, such as diffusion imaging and other quantitative MR techniques. In addition, he leads the development of novel magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequences to obtain high-fidelity measurements of the human brain, in collaboration with the Stanford Magnetic Resonance Systems Laboratory (MRSRL).

Gary H. Glover, PhD
Professor of Radiology
Professor of Psychology and of Electrical Engineering (by courtesy)

My research interests encompass the physics and mathematics of imaging with Magnetic Resonance. Presently my research is directed in part towards exploration of rapid MRI scanning methods using spiral and other non-Cartesian k-space trajectories for dynamic imaging of function. Using spiral techniques, we have developed MRI pulse sequences and processing methods for mapping cortical brain function by imaging the metabolic response to various stimuli, with applications in the basic neurosciences as well as for clinical applications. These methods develop differential image contrast from hemodynamically driven increases in oxygen content in the vascular bed of activated cortex, using pulse sequences sensitive to the paramagnetic behavior of deoxyhemoglobin or to the blood flow changes. Other applications include imaging of contrast uptake in the breast.

Elizabeth Mormino, PhD
Assistant Professor (Research) of Neurology & Neurological Sciences

Dr. Mormino obtained her doctorate in neuroscience at the University of California at Berkeley and completed postdoctoral fellowship training in neuroimaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.  She is a neuroscientist who uses multimodal brain imaging to understand the development of Alzheimer’s disease in older adults without dementia.  This work involves amyloid PET imaging, tau PET imaging, structural MRI, and functional MRI.  Her research may help to identify people at risk before widespread neuronal damage has occurred.  Many older adults without cognitive impairment have brain amyloid.  Dr. Mormino has found great variability in the rate of decline among those who eventually progress to Alzheimer's disease, and she is examining genetic factors that influence the risk of decline.
