Career Center

MD Students & Residents

The clinical training experience at Stanford is renowned for preparing top-caliber academic medical professionals, as well as for the opportunities it affords trainees to engage with professionals from other fields and disciplines. There are a wide range of career opportunities for clinicians in healthcare as well as in other adjacent industry sectors, and our programs offer visibility into the various ways that clinicians are having an impact through the careers they pursue.

We welcome you to the School of Medicine Career Center, and encourage you to take advantage of the resources and links we have assembled on our site, including many that leverage other resources available here at Stanford. At any stage within your career planning process, from outlining credentials, to preparing for interviews, to researching or exploring career possibilities you may like to consider, we are here to provide resources and support for your continued professional development and success.

Resources for Med Students & Residents

Professional Resources
Fellowships & Internships
Funding Opportunities
Research Institutes/Think Tanks
Search and Placement Firms

Professional Resources

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Fellowship & Internship Opportunities

Research Grants Available for Novel Drug Targets
Submission deadline: 9/30/11

NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration
June 22-24 (FL)
The seminars are appropriate for grants administrators, researchers new to NIH, and graduate students

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Funding Opportunities

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Research Institutes / Think Tanks

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Search & Placement Firms

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Recommended Reading

Life After Medical School (Book)


Stanford Medicine Resources:

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