Stanford Industry Interactions Policy

Message from Former Dean, Philip Pizzo:

video Video length: 4:37 min

As many of you know, we implemented the Stanford Industry Interactions Policy (SIIP) in October 2006.  This policy governs interactions, largely in the clinical and educational arenas, with the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and hospital and research equipment and supplies industries. (Research interactions are governed by a separate policy.)  It includes provisions regarding, among other issues, gifts from industry, access of sales and marketing representatives to our campus, and industry support of education.

Since the initial promulgation of SIIP, relationships with industry have come under ever increasing national scrutiny, and the importance of policies like SIIP has become even more evident. Stanford School of Medicine, in conjunction with Stanford Hospital & Clinics (SHC) and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (LPCH), was among the first institutions in the nation to embrace such policies. The actions we took are now rapidly becoming the standard of practice across the nation.

SIIP continues to be the defining document for our interactions with industry in the clinical care and educational areas.  Given the prominence of these issues in the public domain and the changing landscape of conflict of interest, it is important that all of us assure that our own interactions with industry comply with its provisions. Thank you for your continuing attention to this important area.

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Philip Pizzo, MD
March 2010

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