Educational Excellence

Educational Excellence is one of the essential missions of the Department. We are committed to nurturing the career development of each and every one of our learners. Personalized education -- independent thinking and the pursuit of specialized interests are the norm.  Having access to all faculty for mentoring, from the most senior professors to those who are junior, facilitates this endeavor.  

Equally vital is maintaining a community of learners and critical thinkers, across a continuum of levels -- college undergraduates, medical students, resident physicians, clinical fellows, faculty members, and community providers.  Also engaged are a range of disciplines including psychiatry, clinical psychology, neuroscience, and other behavioral sciences.  Additionally, interprofessional collaborations between the Department and all the Schools of Stanford University (e.g., Business, Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities & Sciences, Law) are promoted by being located on the same campus.

In sum, a personalized and inclusive model of education and career development is pursued throughout a continuum of multidisciplinary learners.  This fosters the individualism and spirit of innovation, which is so characteristic of Stanford University. In any one year, the Department is involved in the teaching of approximately 1,500 students and learners.  Programs in the Department’s educational portfolio are listed below.  
- Alan K. Louie, MD Professor, Associate Chair, and Director of Education

Educational Programs

Medical School

Research Training


Baccalaureate level courses in Stanford Bulletin's Explore Courses

High School

Clinical Neuroscience Internship Experience (CNI-X) at Stanford University