
Details about the Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes rotations for residents and medical students are available at:

It is very important that faculty and clinical research staff at Stanford University are properly trained before participating in a clinical trial involving human subjects. Newly hired personnel should complete all of the necessary training related to the safety of both the patient and staff member, patient care, and patient confidentiality. Please refer to the references below as a starting point for the training in Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. However, each new staff member should consult their individual department and/or supervisor for specific training requirements.

Training Program Link

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training provided by the School of Medicine.

To register for any of the HIPAA training listed below, please send a request to

CITI Training

Stanford University Human Subjects Tutorial on the protection of human subjects in research.

Bloodborne Pathogens training

Health Screening, Safety, and Compliance Program for School of Medicine Clinical Research Staff

Please contact SHC/LPCH Employee Health at (650) 723-5922 to schedule an appointment.