Health Research and Policy

Epidemiology Research Seminar (HRP 236)

Fall Quarter 2015
Course Director: Victor Henderson
Sept 22 - Dec 1, 2015
(Tuesdays 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.)
CCSR, Room 4205

Date Speaker Topic
Victor Henderson, MD, MS
and Rita Popat, PhD
No seminar: Orientation for new Masters students (Faculty and other students welcome)
Bonnie Maldonado, MD
Professor of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases) and of HRP (Epidemiology)
Global polio eradication: live oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) transmissibility in communities after cessation of routine OPV immunization*
Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine (PCOR) and, by courtesy, HRP, Economics, and the Freeman Spogi Institute
Nudges in Exercise commitment contracts: a randomized controlled trial*
Julia Simard, ScD
Assistant Professor of HRP (Epidemiology) and, by courtesy, of Medicine (Immunololgy & Rheumatology)
Preeclampsia in SLE pregnancy: An example of misclassification in register-data*
Tim Assimes, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Genetic risk predictionfor coronary heart disease: will we ever get there or are we already there?
Arnold Milstein, MD
Professor of Medicine (General Medical Discipline); Director, Clinical Excellence Research Center
Searching for features of higher value healthcare providers
Lorene Nelson, PhD
Associate Professor of HRP (Epidemiology)
Data mining methods in epidemiologic research*
Julie Parsonnet, MD
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of HRP (Epidemiology)
Spirits in a microbial world
Stephen Luby, MD
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Senior Fellow, Woods Institute and Freeman Spogli Institute
Lead intoxication in rural Bangladesh
No Seminar
Thanksgiving recess
Michelle O'Shaughnessy, MD
All kidney diseases are not treated equally: approaches to renal replacement therapy in glomerulonephritis
Lisa Wise-Faberowski, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine (Pediatric), Stanford
Antibiotic use and risk of Hodgkin’s disease
No seminar
Final exams week

* Background readings for this seminar will be emailed to registrants. If not registered, please contact Toni Ali for a copy.

If you need directions or would like to be on the e-mail list, please contact Toni Ali (650-723-5456); . Suggestions and self-nominations for seminar speakers and topics are welcome.

Past Seminars

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