Our Labs

The Blish Lab

The Blish laboratory is in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine and in the interdisciplinary Stanford Immunology program. Our goal is to develop new methods to prevent and control infectious diseases through better understanding of human immunology. We have several major areas of ongoing investigation.

The Einav Lab

The goals of our lab are to better understand virus-host protein interactions, identify host proteins or pathways required by multiple viruses, and translate this knowledge into the development of novel, broad-spectrum, host-centered antiviral approaches with a high genetic barrier for resistance.

The Parsonnet Lab

The laboratory's primary research interest is investigating the role of infectious agents in chronic diseases. Much of this work has revolved around Helicobacter pylori infection as a cause of adenocarcinomas and lymphomas of the stomach. 

The Schoolnik Lab

The Schoolnik laboratory is directed by Gary K. Schoolnik, M.D., whose current research and scholarly interests are structure-function analysis of bacterial adhesion proteins and toxins; design and synthesis of synthetic antigens; immunobiology of human papillomaviruses.

The Singh Lab

Our lab studies the molecular basis of pathogenesis of two medically important parasites, Toxoplasma gondii and Entamoeba histolytica. The work is aimed at understanding the virulence determinant that each parasite uses in causing disease, specifically how T. gondii evades the human immune response by converting to a dormant bradyzoite stage and how E. histolyticacauses invasive colonic and hepatic disease.

The Andrews Lab

Our laboratory aims to develop innovative approaches to the control of infectious diseases in resource-limited settings. Drawing upon the fields of epidemiology, microbiology and engineering, we strive to find solutions to extend the technologies that underlie diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases to "last-mile" communities.

The Bollyky Lab

Our lab studies how immune responses are regulated within injured and infected tissues. We work at the intersection of immunology, structural biology, bioengineering, and microbiology. Our goals are to understand the factors that drive chronic inflammation and to develop novel therapeutics to promote wound healing and immune tolerance.

The Relman Lab

David Relman's investigative program falls within the general themes of host-pathogen interactions and human microbial ecology, and is divided into two research areas:

  1. Ecology of microbial communities indigenous to humans and other mammalian hosts
  2. Genome-wide host response patterns in systemic infectious disease

The Wang Lab

Taia Wang’s laboratory studies mechanisms underlying the heterogeneity in human immune function during vaccination and viral infection.  We are particularly interested in antibody-mediated immunity and determinants of susceptibility to antibody-mediated diseases. 

Jagannathan Lab

The goals of this laboratory are to further our understanding of the correlates and mechanisms of clinical immunity to malaria through field-based studies, and to better understand the immunologic consequences of malaria control interventions.

These studies bridge immune profiling techniques including multiparameter flow cytometry, transcriptomics, epigenetics, and multiplex antibody profiling to epidemiologic studies of antimalarial immunity in children.