Pediatric Neurosurgery at Stanford

Pediatric Neurosurgery

Any serious illness that befalls a child causes enormous emotional and physical strain, both for the child and the family. Neurosurgical problems in the pediatric age group are often difficult and complex. At Stanford, our Pediatric Neurosurgery Program offers comprehensive care for the full range of brain, spine, peripheral nerve, and craniofacial disorders in children and adolescents. Due to our team’s clinical expertise in brain tumors, epilepsy, Chiari malformations, tethered cord syndrome, craniosynostosis, and hydrocephalus, integration with neuroscientists is paramount. Furthermore, with professional support from an array of family-centered specialists like pediatric therapists, and our on-site child education and recreation therapy offerings, our Program has earned a national reputation for delivering the highest standard of family-focused care. Innovative work in new, minimally-invasive neurosurgery and imaging techniques, supported by cutting-edge technology and pioneering laboratory research gives our Program an advantage in efficiency of diagnosis and in developing lower risk surgical treatments. We have also launched a major interdisciplinary quality initiative to focus on the best possible outcomes and at the same time to maximize the patient experience for the child.

Advancing Research and Technology

Operating in one of the most advanced surgical facilities in the world with the latest technology, working at the forefront of minimally invasive treatments, and using innovative surgical techniques empowers us to improve diagnosis, reduce recovery time and improve our patients’ quality of life after treatment. We are also now using virtual and augmented reality to maximize the child experience as well as to enhance education, training, and surgical planning. 

Pediatric Neurosurgery News

Stanford Pediatric Neurosurgeon Performs Innovative Surgery to Eliminate Seizures

Dr. Gerald Grant, Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery, performed a surgery using the ROSA robot to eliminate a 3-year-old's seizures caused by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

New Neuro-Hybrid Surgery Suite First of its Kind in California Children's Hospital

The new Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, opening December 2017, will feature a state-of-the-art diagnostic MRI, direct access to angiography imaging equipment and a full operating room.

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford

Our pediatric neurosurgery team provides critical care for infants, children and adolescents living with the full range of brain, spine, nerve and craniofacial disorders

Meet Our Chief

"I believe that as healers and physicians, we should treat every child as if they were part of our own family"

Gerald Grant, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Division Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery

Dr. Grant received his MD from Stanford University in 1994, and after extensive traning at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle and Seatlle Children's Hospital, and active duty with the US Air Force, he was recruited back to Stanford in 2013. Dr. Grant specializes in brain tumors, Chiari malformations, concussions, endoscopic craniofacial surgery, epilepsy, and minimally invasive endoscopy procedures. Dr. Grant is also an expert at state-of-the-art brain mapping techniques and awake language mapping in epilepsy patients.