MIPS Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford

2005 News

Dr. Cai Awarded Both 2006 AMI Travel Award & 2006 Gordon Research Conference Travel Award

December 21, 2005

Dr. Weibo Cai of the Molecular Imaging Probe Laboratory (MIPL) has been awarded both the 2006 AMI Annual Conference Travel Award and the 2006 Gordon Research Conference (Peptides, Chemistry & Biology Of) Travel Award.

Congratulations, Weibo!

Dr. Qizhen Cao Awarded Dean's Fellowship

December 19, 2005

Dr. Qizhen Cao of the Molecular Imaging Probe Laboratory (MIPL) has been awarded the Dean's Fellowship for her work on "Combined Integrin siRNA Therapy and Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer".

Congratulations, Qizhen!

Bao Do Receives 2005 RSNA Trainee Research Prize

Dec 2, 2005
Bao Do, member of the Molecular Imaging of Musculoskeletal Illnesses (MIMI) lab, received a Trainee Research Prize at the 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) for his work entitled:

"Metabolic Profile of the Spinal Cord by Whole Body [18F]-2-deoxy-3-fluoro-d-glucose (18F-FDG) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)/Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging"

Congratulations, Bao!

Feng Cao Receives Best Basic Science Poster Award

November 17, 2005
Dr. Feng Cao, post doctoral fellow in the Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging, received a Best Basic Science Poster Award at the 2005 American Heart Association meeting.

Congratulations, Feng!

Dr. Gambhir Receives 2005 Minnie

October 25, 2005
Dr. Gambhir has been awarded a Minnie as one of the Most Influential Radiology Researchers of 2005 by AuntMinnie. Minnies winners are selected by the votes of AuntMinnie.com members in the Fall of each year through a three-part process: nominations, semifinals, and finals.

Congratulations, Dr. Gambhir!

Angela Foudray Receives Travel Award to Attend 2005 IEEE Conference

September 23, 2005
Angela Foudray has been awarded a NIH-NIBIB funded travel award to attend the 2005 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference in Puerto Rico.

Congratulations, Angela!

Dr Gambhir Quoted in Forbes Magazine

September 9, 2005
Sam Gambhir, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford, is quoted in this article about tiny sensors that can spot disease before it occurs.

View the full article.

Angela Foudray Awarded Full Scholarship to 2005 Molecular Imaging Summer School

August 22, 2005
Angela Foudray, a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Lab (MIIL) has been awarded a full scholarship to attend the 2005 Molecular Imaging Summer School in Crete September 12-17. The summer school is sponsored by the organizations Diagnostic Molecular Imaging and European Molecular Imaging Laboratories.

Chemical & Engineering News Cover

July 25, 2005
Work from the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab in collaboration with the Clinical Molecular Imaging Research Group, 3D Medical Imaging Laboratory, and Nuclear Medicine Clinic is featured on the cover of Chemical & Engineering News.

[ View the abstract ]

Jonathan Liu Awarded Canary Fund & American Cancer Society Fellowship

July 26, 2005

Jonathan Liu, a postdoctoral fellow in the the Network for Translational Research in Optical Imaging (NTROI), was awarded the Canary Fund and American Cancer Society Early Detection Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project entitled, "A miniature dual-axes confocal microscope for the early detection of cancer."

Congratulations, Jonathan!

Tiffany Chung Receives Bio-X Fellowship

July 19, 2005

Congratulations to Tiffany Chung of the Cellular and Molecular Imaging Lab for receiving the Bio-X Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Fellowship will help to support her postdoctoral research in developing new methods for imaging cell apoptosis in living animals.

Congratulations, Tiffany!

Feng Cao Awarded 2005 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Grant

June 15, 2005

Feng Cao, a postdoctoral fellow from Dr. Joseph Wu's laboratory, was awarded 2005 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology grant in cardiovascular molecular imaging.

Congratulations, Feng!

2005 SNM Image of the Year

June 22, 2005

Work from the MIPS, 3-D visualization lab, and GE Medical Systems on virtual PET-CT image visualization receives the 2005 Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Image of the Year. [ more info | view image ]

Dr. Gambhir gives Wagner Lectureship at SNM 2005

June 19, 2005

Dr. Sam Gambhir gives the Wagner Lectureship at the 2005 Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) meeting in Toronto, Canada to over 4,000 physicians and scientists on the future of molecular imaging.

Congratulations, Dr. Gambhir!

Yingbing Wang Awarded SNM Student Fellowship

June 15, 2005

Congratulations to Yingbing Wang of the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Laboratory (MMIL) who has been awarded an SNM Student Fellowship.

Congratulations, Yingbing!

Dr. Weibo Cai awarded Dean's Fellowship & 2005 SMI Travel Award

June 15, 2005

Congratulations to Dr. Weibo Cai of the Molecular Imaging Probe Laboratory (MIPL) who has been awarded both the Dean's Fellowship as well as the 2005 SMI Travel Award.

Congratulations, Dr. Cai!

Journal of Gastroentorology Cover

June 13, 2005
Work from the Gambhir lab in collaboration with the Barrio Lab (UCLA) and the PET group in Pamplona, Spain is featured on the cover of Gastroentorology. This work demonstrates for the first time imaging of adenoviral mediated gene delivery in humans using 18F-FHBG which is trapped by the HSV1-TK reporter protein.

[ View the abstract ]

Angela Foudray awarded the P.E.O. Scholar Award

May 5, 2005
Angela Foudray, a graduate student in the Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory has been awarded the P.E.O. Scholar Award from P.E.O. International on her work to develop a high resolution, high sensitivity Positron Emission Tomography system for molecular imaging of mouse models of human disease.

Congratulations, Angela!

Joseph Wu Awarded Top Drug Development Abstract

April 4, 2005
Joseph Wu, director of the Wu Lab, has been awarded the Top Drug Development Abstract by a Young Investigator by the Academy of Molecular Imaging (AMI).

Congratulations, Joseph!

Ian Chen Awarded Top Basic Science Abstract at AMI

April 4, 2005
Ian Chen, graduate student in the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab, has been awarded the Top Basic Science Abstract by a Young Investigator by the Academy of Molecular Imaging (AMI) for his abstract entitled "A Generalizable Bi-directional Vector for Non-invasive Imaging and Amplification of Transgene Expression Mediated by a Weak Cardiac-specific Promoter".

Congratulations, Ian!

2005 AMI Travel Award Winners

April 4, 2005
Congratulations to the following 2005 AMI Travel Award Winners: Carmel Chan, Ian Chen, Abhijit De, Andreas Loening, Manish Patel, R. Paulmurugan, Pritha Ray, Sunetra Ray, Martin Rodriguez-Porcel

Top Clinical Abstract at AMI 2005

April 4, 2005
Dr. Gambhir's abstract entitled "Repeated Monitoring of Transgene Expression In Cancer Patients with Positron Emission Tomography" receives top clinical abstract award at AMI.

View abstract

Dr. Gheysens Receives Fellowship

February 17, 2005
Dr. Olivier Gheysens, a fellow in the Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab laboratory, has been awarded a predoctoral Fellowship by the Belgian American Educational Foundation to continue his studies on multimodality imaging of cardiac cell therapy.

Congratulations, Dr. Gheysens!

Dr. Zhang Receives Dean's Fellowship

February 15, 2005
Yan Zhang, a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Rao's laboratory, has been awarded a Stanford Unversity School of Medicine Dean's Fellowship for her work on developing novel nanosensors for targeted tumor imaging.

Congratulations, Dr. Zhang!

Science Cover

February 2, 2005
Work from the Wu, Weiss, and Gambhir labs on quantum dots is featured on the cover of Science. This work reviews the potential of quantum dots for various applications including eventual cancer imaging in humans. This work further strengthens the growing bonds between nanotechnology, imaging, and cancer.

[ View the abstract ]

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