Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

[OPA] PeopleSoft PD Web Form System Go-Live Announcement

Posted 11:30 AM, September 7, 2011, by rhegazi


The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) is thrilled to announce that the PeopleSoft “PD Web Forms” Module for Postdocs is fully live today.

What does the system being “fully live” mean?
• Change Transaction Form = ready for use as of Sept. 6
• Termination Form = ready for use as of Sept. 6
• Leave of Absence Request Form (form is initiated by the postdoc through AXESS)= ready for use as of Sept. 6
• Postdoc Invite & Recommendation Form = ready since mid-August

OPA asks all areas to login to check your access to the system and that you are seeing all the records for your group’s postdocs.

An easy search would be through logging in to AXESS, click on PeopleSoft tab, click on “I agree to the above” in order to login to PeopleSoft, then follow these steps:
1. Click on “Campus Community” -> “STF Postdoc” -> “Postdoc Transactions” -> “STF PostDoc Recommendation”
2. Under “Find an Existing Value” tab, leave all fields blank and click “Search”
3. You should see “Search Results” showing the Recommendation Forms created for postdocs affiliated with your department

Some Very Important Notes About the Migrated Data that Populates These Forms:

1. What to do if data appears to be incorrect on the migrated Recommendation Sheet:

a. If an appointment Start Date, an appointment End Date, Faculty Sponsor or Research Mentor, or a Salary is/are incorrect, please create and submit a new Change Transaction Form immediately correcting the information.
b. If it is any of the following types of information, please submit a HelpSU no later than September 20, 2011, in order to have it corrected in a one-time fix upload. Do not make any other changes to the postdoc’s record until you have been notified by OPA that correction was made:
i. DeptID
ii. Other Stanford Associations
iii. Research Experience, noted by Department

2. The data in the Information Sheets and Recommendation Sheets does not include information that already exists in PeopleSoft Student Records. That does not apply to the Change or Termination forms where data from Student Records appear in those Forms. For new appointments that are initiated in the Web Forms, both the Information Sheet and Recommendation Sheet will be complete.

3. No attachments (i.e., supporting documents) were included in the data migration. Please retain these postdocs’ paper files.

4. On the Information Sheet:

a. The ethnicity information on the Information Sheet was not loaded, so the default entry for the first question “ 1) Are you Hispanic or Latino? ” was selected. Please ignore this—it was not loaded into PeopleSoft.

b. For the “Outside Funding” question, all sheets were defaulted to “No” whether the postdoc came with outside funding or not. This is because outside funding is a new field in the Web Form that was not tracked by OPA before this implementation, there was no corresponding field in OPA available to migrate.

Need information on upcoming PS trainings, open labs, authority/access issues, or known system issues?
Please visit

Friendly Reminder: Please submit questions or requests to OPA via HelpSU. : Request Category = Student Services; Request Type = Postdoctoral Affairs


Annelies Ransome
Associate Director for Administration
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

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