Students enrolled in graduate courses for credit are expected to complete homework assignments, projects, case studies and other course requirements on time according to the course syllabus. The Stanford Center for Professional Development serves as a liaison between the student and the instructor making it possible for homework to be submitted, time-stamped, and forwarded to the instructor. Corrected homework is returned via email attachment.

Steps to Submit Homework

  1. Email ( or fax (650.736.1266) your homework with the PDF icon Homework Route Form attachment. Please send your assignment as a PDF or Microsoft Word document.
  2. Upon receipt, the distribution department will print a hardcopy of the form and assignment, keep a record of submission, and email a submission confirmation.
  3. Legible assignments will be forwarded to and graded by the department under which you have enrolled. Illegible assignments will be returned immediately to the student with a request for a new document.
  4. Graded assignments will be returned to the Stanford Center for Professional Development by the officiating department and receive a date stamp as proof of completion.
  5. Date stamped materials will be returned electronically to the email address provided on the PDF icon Homework Route Form.

Homework Policies

  • All homework must be submitted to the Stanford Center for Professional Development for record-keeping and verification purposes. The Stanford Center for Professional Development cannot be held responsible for any homework that is not submitted according to the process outlined above.
  • A completed PDF icon Homework Route Form is required from all students taking courses at a distance.
  • Contact your course TA or instructor within the first week of class to ensure that there are no additional submission requirements unique to your course.
  • For your protection, please email or call (650.725.3015) to verify that your homework submission has been received.

Recommended Equipment

  • Fax machine
  • Scanner
  • An email account that is able to receive files of 5MB or more