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Stanford Faculty

Internal Faculty Fellowships are intended primarily for active Stanford academic council faculty, but lecturers and senior lecturers with continuing appointments and emeriti faculty may also apply. One goal of the fellowship selection process is to create a diverse community of scholars across the spectrum of academic fields and ranks. Scholars who are members of traditionally under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.

Click here to apply. The deadline is 11:59 PM PT January 6, 2016.

  • Eligibility[+]
    • Must be tenured or untenured Stanford faculty, or a Stanford lecturer with a continuing position. Emeriti Stanford faculty may also apply.
    • Preference is given to applicants who have not previously held a fellowship at the Center. Those who have previously held internal fellowships at the Center may reapply for a second fellowship to be held in the seventh year, or anytime thereafter, following their original award. Third fellowships are occasionally awarded, subject to the above limits and with lower priority than first and second grants.
    • Internal Faculty Fellowships are funded through a combination of Humanities Center and School of Humanities and Sciences resources. All applicants must document their eligibility with their Chairs and Senior Associate Deans before submitting applications.
    • Eligibility for faculty from schools other than H&S is at the discretion of the appropriate dean.
  • Requirements[+]
    Fellowships are for one full academic year, and require the fellow to be in residence during Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters (mid-September to mid-June). We do not consider applications for different amounts of time.

    All fellows are also expected to attend lunch regularly and to participate in weekly research presentations. During the year, faculty fellows are required to make an intellectual contribution to the Stanford community, usually by participating in a Geballe Research Workshop at the Humanities Center. Precise details regarding the intellectual contribution will be determined with the Center's Associate Director after fellowships are awarded.
  • Stipends[+]
    At the discretion of H&S, Internal Faculty Fellows from the School of Humanities and Sciences will usually receive their full pay and benefits through a combination of Humanities Center and H&S resources. Associate and full professors must bring funding equivalent to one-half their salary in sabbatical credits (a minimum of 18 quarters). Junior faculty members should consult H&S for questions concerning Junior Faculty Leave benefits and eligibility.

    Internal Fellows from schools other than H&S will receive the usual Humanities Center contribution, which is based on an agreement with H&S and is not the same as the External Fellowship stipend. They will, in most instances, need to bring additional funding from their schools or from outside grants to achieve full salary and benefits.

    Awards to emeriti faculty will depend upon success in the selection process and on space constraints. Emeriti fellows will have offices at the Center and all privileges and responsibilities of other fellows, and must be in residence for the entire academic year. The financial award will be limited to a modest research allowance. Applicants who plan to become emeritus prior to the end of the fellowship year must indicate this intention in their applications. Faculty who unexpectedly become emeritus after applying and before taking up a fellowship will be treated the same as emeriti faculty.
  • Application Process[+]
    Applications must be submitted via our online application system. Access to the system opens in August.

    Applicants are notified when applications are received, and are notified of the fellowship competition outcome in late March.
  • Application Content[+]
    1) Contact and biographical information about the applicant

    2) A curriculum vitae of no more than 10 pages

    3) 100-word statement: Provide a concise summary of the significance of your project.  Assume your audience to be academics who are not specialists in your field.

    4) A brief description (no more than 1,000 words) of a research project. State clearly the objectives, significance, methodology, and originality of the project in a manner clear to nonspecialists (the selection committee is composed of a range of scholars from humanities fields and may not include specialists in your field).

    5) Three reference letters. Current Stanford faculty are not eligible to submit letters of support for internal faculty applicants. Reference letters should be written in English. If this is impossible, we reserve the right to request a translation. Referees are encouraged to submit letters through our online application system. Referees who wish to submit their letter of reference via email should send them to Reference letters must be received at the Center by the application deadline. Consideration of letters received after that date cannot be guaranteed.

    6) Internal Eligibility Form: Please download the form below, complete section II, and forward it to Sue Martin in the H&S Dean's Office (Bldg 1, MC 2070) for the required verification. The completed form should be received at the Humanities Center no later than January 6, 2016. Please begin this process well in advance of the application deadline.

    Internal Eligibility Form (PDF).
  • Application Criteria[+]
    Fellows will be chosen by a multidisciplinary selection committee after an initial screening process by experts in the various disciplines. Applications will be judged based on the following factors:

    1) The promise of the specific research project being proposed.

    2) The research project's potential interest to scholars in different fields of the humanities.

    3) The originality and intellectual distinction of the candidate's previous work.

    4) The applicant's perceived ability to engage in collegial interaction and to contribute to the discussion of presentations.

    Applicants who have received a major research grant within the last three years generally will not be as competitive as other applicants.
    For more information, contact the fellowship administrator.