  • Young boy lounging in the grass

We have a network of on-site pharmacies providing medication services and information to support comfort, convenience and the best possible health for each child.



The Pharmacy Department at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford includes the following services:


  • Inpatient Pharmacy
    Provides distribution, clinical pharmacy, investigation drug study and drug information services to inpatient units on a 24-hour basis

  • Outpatient Pharmacy
    Provides outpatient medication services for the pediatric primary care clinic, pediatric specialty clinics, obstetrics clinic, patients discharged from inpatient units and staff

  • Children's Home Pharmacy
    Provides home infusion pharmacy services, enteral therapy and other specialized injectable therapies for pediatric patients and adults with childhood diseases such as cystic fibrosis and hemophilia.

  • Bass Center Pharmacy
    Services hematology, oncology, stem cell transplant patients in the inpatient, outpatient or Day Hospital settings

  • Short Stay Unit Pharmacy
    Services the Short Stay Unit and Ambulatory Care

  • Operating Room (OR) Pharmacy
    Services the perioperative areas

Residency and Rotation Programs

  • Our Pediatric Pharmacy Residency Program is a one-year post-graduate training program. It offers an environment to gain professional competence, expand clinical knowledge and develop a philosophy of pharmacy practice.

  • Our Pharmacy Student Rotations provide pharmacy students with the unique opportunity to complete specialty externships in the areas of general pediatrics, home infusion and outpatient pharmacy.