Surgical Pathology In The Department of Pathology
 High-grade serous carcinoma associated with BRCA1 germline mutation

Breast Pathology Fellowship

With the high level of complexity of breast pathology cases and the evolving role of the pathologist as a “diagnostic oncologist,” breast pathology has become a highly desirable area for pathologists to have specialty expertise. A dedicated  Stanford Breast Pathology Fellowship is launching in July 2016 (currently we offer a combined Breast/GYN Pathology Fellowship).  This more focused version of the fellowship will provide in depth training in breast pathology with the goal of becoming a specialist in the field.  The Stanford Breast Pathology Service is rich with both routine breast pathology (including ancillary studies like HER2 FISH testing) and advanced consultative material to learn from.   The breast pathology fellow will also have opportunities for learning in a multidisciplinary setting from leaders in the field of breast oncology, surgery, imaging and radiation oncology.  Graduated responsibility opportunities include a Junior Attending rotation, presenting at breast tumor boards, teaching opportunities, and service as a point person and consultant on breast pathology related issues.  Elective and research time can be used to pursue additional subspecialty training in other areas (such as molecular pathology) or to work on research projects. Departmental resources and support are available for clinicopathologic and translational research projects.  

The Breast Pathology Fellow will spend their year on the following rotations:

For additional information and to request an application, please contact Eileen Maisen at or  phone: 650-498-6458.  Applications can be sent to Dr Kimberly Allison, Director of Breast Pathology, at or at the following address:
Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine
300 Pasteur Drive, L235, Stanford, CA
Phone: 650-724-6194


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