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The Europe Center Undergraduate Internship Program in Europe


Stanford undergraduates have the opportunity to apply for summer internships with leading European think tanks and international organizations through a program initiated by The Europe Center in 2013-2014. The program, “The Europe Center Undergraduate Internship Program in Europe,” provides Stanford’s undergraduate student community the chance to develop a deep understanding of contemporary European society and affairs.

In the inaugural year, The Europe Center sponsored four internships with the Brussels-based think tanks, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and Breugel. The student selected to fill the position at CEPS was Laura Conigliaro (International Relations, 2015) and the students selected for the positions at Bruegel were Elsa Brown (Political Science, 2015), Noah Garcia (BA International Relations and MA Public Policy, 2015), and Jana Persky (Public Policy, 2016). The interns worked on a number of projects ranging from analyzing trade policy to creating policy briefs for the new European Union Commission taking office in Fall 2014. They also attended workshops and conferences where they observed and learned from European policymakers first hand. 

Due to the success of the program last year and to the establishment of an agreement with The European Parliament's Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE), the number of TEC sponsored internships has grown to six for the summer of 2015. Jake Leih (International Relations, 2016) and Eddy Rosales Chavez (International Relations, 2017) were selected for the positions at ALDE, Ameena Tawakol (Public Policy, 2017), Grace Choi (Economics, 2018) and Hope Sheils (International Relations, 2016) for the positions at Bruegel and Kate Wilson (Public Policy, 2016) for the position at CEPS. 

Plans to expand the program are continuing and the next application period will start at the beginning of winter quarter 2016. 

Please visit to learn more about the types of experiences a summer internship in Europe has to offer.

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