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Axess Evolving in 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Axess serves more than 30,000 users each day as the online portal to Stanford’s student, human resources, and training systems. When the current portal first went live in summer 2013, it was by no means considered "finished." That 2013 rollout was just the first in a planned series of releases intended to keep the portal evolving progressively, adding functionality and enhancing usability over time.
Working closely with key business offices, University IT is using an Agile-based development model to plan, develop, and deploy these ongoing enhancement releases. The latest rolled out last month, and two more are set to go live later this year. Key features of the 2015 releases include the following:

  • Redesigned Advisor Center (Released February 2015): a mobile-responsive dashboard with a fresh new look and feel for student advisors to manage their advisee roster, monitor their action items, and release advisee account holds.
  • Improved Preferences Menu (Released February 2015): a streamlined preferences menu for all users to easily update their system settings for the Axess portal.
  • New Alumni Dashboard (Coming Spring 2015): a mobile-responsive dashboard for alumni to request their university transcripts, view their financial balances, and manage their alumni information.
  • MyAxess for Employees (Coming Summer 2015): an interactive, mobile-responsive homepage for employees to manage their action items, review their Stanford employment details, and keep up to date on university announcements.

The portal enhancements reflect user feedback gathered from more than 2,500 students, faculty, and staff members and a review of tickets submitted through HelpSU. The core team driving the enhancements includes representatives from Administrative Systems, Financial Management Services, the Registrar's Office, and University Human Resources. 
For more information about the enhancements visit the Inside Axess website.

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