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Gender and Climate Change - UNFCCC related activities - 2017
Since 2012, Parties to the UNFCCC have considered ‘gender and climate change’ as a stand-alone agenda item under the Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). In addition, Parties have considered and incorporated gender considerations in many other thematic areas (e.g. finance, technology development and transfer, adaptation) under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement more>>

Photo: Sustainable Energy for All

SEforall hosts first working meeting of people-centered accelerator, promoting gender equality, social inclusion and women’s empowerment

June 29, 2017: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) held its first design meeting for the People-Centered Accelerator in Krafla, Iceland, this week. Experts from across the world travelled to Iceland’s Landsvirkjun power plant in Krafla to discuss how the Accelerator could support social inclusion, gender equality and women’s empowerment in the energy sector


Photo: Green Climate Fund

Mainstreaming Gender
Gender Action in Practice

GCF provides guidance to Accredited Entities submitting funding proposals on the type of gender documentation required during the project planning, preparation and development stage. This entails an initial gender and social assessment that must be included with the funding proposal. The assessment includes a snapshot of the gender equality situation in the region, country or project area; the gender issues that may be relevant to the proposed project; and the opportunities to bring about positive change for both women and men


Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith / Panos Pictures/
Department for International Development

Gender Equality in National Climate Action: Planning for Gender-responsive NDCs
(Side-event at SB46)


Related report:
The report provides an analysis of the status of gender equality in national climate policy in light of the Paris Agreement. It also presents a framework for integrating gender equality into Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) planning and implementation more>>


Informal consultations on the development of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC

Decision 21/CP.22, paragraph 28 invited “Parties, members of constituted bodies, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consult through meetings, prior to the forty-sixth sessions of the subsidiary bodies (May 2017), in order to provide inputs to the formulation of the gender action plan” pdf-icon more>>


Photo: Women's Environment &
Development Organization (WEDO)

The WDF Night School

This two-night series will focus on drafting text for interventions, decisions and other written outcomes of the negotiating process, with the aim of strengthening the participants’ capacity to participate effectively in the negotiating process. The training will include experiential learning through a mock negotiation exercise and provide a set of tools and materials that participants can utilize in upcoming UNFCCC meetings


International Gender Champions

International Gender Champions Bonn-Berlin

UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Ms Patricia Espinosa, announced on 8 May 2017 that she has become an International Gender Champion and in doing so, is founding the Bonn-Berlin chapter of the network. Ms Espinosa has affirmed her commitment to the International Gender Champions Panel Parity Pledge and is undertaking two additional commitments to advance gender equality within the secretariat as an organization, and in its support to the intergovernmental process more>>



In-session workshop on the development of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC
10 - 11 May

The objectives of the in-session workshop are to:

  • Identify the possible format and substantive elements of the gender action plan for consideration by the SBI at its forty-seventh session (November 2017)
  • Identify possible areas for collaboration between Parties and non-Party stakeholders in implementing the gender action plan

ImageInternational Gender Champions Bonn-Berlin

Secretary-General meets the International Gender Champions at the New York chapter launch

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres encourages others to follow his lead by becoming an International Gender Champion at the New York chapter launch on 20th March 2017

In the year 1995, a historical benchmark was set for Gender and Climate Change with the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action more>>
UNFCCC documents
Formal and informal documents related to Gender and Climate Change
UNFCCC related activities