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Gender and Climate Change - Events
Percentage of gender-responsive GEF projects before (blue) and after (beige) implementation of the 2011 gender policy

IUCN (2015)
Graph: 2016, UN Women, Leveraging Co-benefits between Gender Equality and Climate Action for Sustainable Development

Intersessional meetings (kindly also consult CCTV for regular updates)
Date Event

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

5 - 6 May
17:00 - 20:30
Gustav-Stresemann Institute

WDF Night School

This two-night series will focus on drafting text for interventions, decisions and other written outcomes of the negotiating process, with the aim of strengthening the participants’ capacity to participate effectively in the negotiating process

8 May
Launch of the International Gender Champions Germany

A network of senior leaders working to advance gender equality in the executive management of their institutions and in their programmatic work through concrete and measurable commitments

9 May
13:30 - 15:00
Room: Tokio 1
Feedback session

This session provides Parties and observers with updates on the implementation of the Lima work programme on gender



- pdf-icon Introduction (295 kB)

- pdf-icon Action for Climate Empowerment (874 kB)
- pdf-icon 1st meeting of the PCCB (79 kB)
- pdf-icon Taxonomy (531 kB)
- pdf-icon C40 Cities (7861 kB)

9 May
18:30 - 20:30

Listening and Learning dialogue (invitation only event)
In recognition of the need to enable the widest possible participation by people in climate planning and action at all levels, the dialogue will bring together climate negotiators (in particular, those following gender, ACE and adaptation) and grassroots women in a respectful conversation so that the lived experience of local communities can inform future work on gender responsive climate action

10 May
10:00 - 13:00


11 May
15:00 - 18:00 
Room: Santiago de Chile

In-session workshop on the development of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC (mandated event)

The workshop is open to Parties, observers and the media who are registered to attend the subsidiary bodies session

11 May
18:30 - 20:30
Club/delegates Lounge
1st floor WCCB
Women Delegates Fund networking event (co-host with WEDO)

Building on a series of in-session meetings on capacity building, Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), and gender-responsive climate policy, the Capacity for Change networking event will celebrate women’s leadership in climate diplomacy and create an opportunity to share ideas for enhancing more equitable and effective information sharing, public education and capacity building

12 May
17:30 - 20:00
Club/delegates Lounge
1st floor WCCB
Side Event on “Gender Equality in National Climate Action: Planning for Gender-responsive NDCs”
On behalf of the Government of Germany, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), we are pleased to invite you to ‘Save the Date’ to attend this side event. The panel discussion will be followed by a cocktail hour.
13 May
13:15 - 14:45
Room: Berlin
pdf-icon Side event on “Accelerating climate solutions through education and gender mainstreaming” (252 kB)
This side event will showcase good practices for accelerating climate solutions through education, training and public awareness. Experts from United Nations, governments and NGOs will debate on innovative approaches to mobilize climate action and mainstream gender issues into Action for Climate Empowerment more>>

Gender Day
Since 2012 the UNFCCC secretariat has been organizing in collaboration with Governments, United Nations organizations, intergovernmental organizations, civil societies and the private sectors an annual Gender Day during the sessions of the UNFCCC COP/CMP/CMA with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of gender considerations and celebrating women’s climate action.

Date Venue
15 November 2016 Marrakech, Morocco - COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1 more>>
8 December 2015 Paris, France - COP 21/CMP 11 more>>
9 December 2014 Lima, Peru - COP 20/CMP 10 more>>
19 November 2013

Warsaw, Poland - COP 19/CMP 9 more>>

27 November 2012 Doha, Qatar - COP 18/CMP 8 pdf-icon more (page 8)>>

Latest in-session workshop

Bonn, Germany
10 - 11 May 2017

An in-session workshop on developing elements of a gender action plan under the UNFCCC was held at SBI 46 taking into account submissions received by Parties and admitted observer organizations

in-session workshops

Bonn, Germany
18-19 May 2016

Gender-responsive climate policy with a focus on adaptation, capacity-building and training for delegates on gender issues


Bonn, Germany
8-9 June 2015

Gender-responsive climate policy with a focus on mitigation action and technology development and transfer

Cross-cutting events