Vera Moulton Wall Center

PH Awareness and Outreach

PH Awareness

Wall Center Promotes PH Awareness Month 

November is pulmonary hypertension awareness month and on November 1st Wall Center patients, staff, and volunteers joined together to help promote PH awareness at the Stanford Medical Center. The awareness table at the medical center entrance featured handouts and information about pulmonary hypertension along with a "PH Quiz" where hospital visitors and staff alike could test their knowledge. The quiz was a big success especially since all who took the quiz, pass or fail, received a special treat.  Patients and staff were available to answer questions about PH along with volunteers from the California Transplant Donor Network who were on hand to promote organ donation.  Many thanks to our volunteers and our social worker, Allyson Rupp, for organizing the event. 

Ph Awareness Poster
PH Awareness Poster
PH Awareness Volunteers
Dr. Roham Zamanian with volunteers at the PH Awareness table
PH Quiz
PH Quiz Board
PH Awareness Volunteers
Volunteers while promoting PH Awareness at SU Hospital



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