How To: Review and Approve Labor Distribution Adjustments

Who does this?  Individuals with approval authority over the PTAs charged in a Labor Distribution Adjustment

When?  Labor Distribution Adjustments require review and approval by authorized personnel for each PTA charged. Approvers can return LDA's if not enough information is provided, or when modifications to the original transaction are necessary.

How?  Using the Workflow Notifications module of Oracle Financials. Approvals are performed after confirming that:

  • The expenditure is reasonable, necessary and complies with all University policies,
  • The charges are correct, allowable for the account, allocable, and properly coded,
  • Charges are appropriately documented and are recorded in a consistent manner, and
  • Funds are available in the account being charged.



Review and Approve Labor Distribution Adjustments (4 steps)

step 1

Find labor distribution adjustments to approve:

    Note:  Notifications can also be received in email. The notification contains a link to the Notifications Worklist.

  1. Enter ofweb in your web address bar.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password if prompted.
  3. Click SU Workflow Notifications link in the left box in the Navigator.
  4. Click Notifications link in the right box in the Navigator.
step 2

Find and review the adjustment:

  1. Click Distribution Adjustment [X] requires your approval link in the Subject column.
  2. Review the adjustment for correctness.
step 3

Approve or reject the adjustment:

    Note:  Clicking Approve or Reject returns the screen to the Notifications Worklist.

  1. Click Approve button if the journal is correct.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Click Reject button to return the transaction to the originator.

    Note:  Approver is required to enter Comments in Response section when rejecting a transaction.
step 4

Continue or finish review:

  1. Click the appropriate link to review another transaction.

  2. ~ OR ~
  3. Click logout link at the top if finished.
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