Supplier Requirements

Receiving a purchase order from Stanford carries with it the obligation to supply the ordered goods or services at the agreed-upon price, at the promised time, and without the need for buyer's intervention, renegotiation, or continued expediting. Suppliers should never accept requests for goods or services from Stanford University without a purchase order number or a Purchasing Card number.

Additionally, we expect:

  • Dependable products and services
  • Delivery as promised
  • Competitive prices
  • No substitutions
  • Good communications
  • Timely resolution of warranty claims
  • Compliance with purchasing, shipping and invoicing procedures
  • Certificate of Insurance. This requirement is managed through Ebix and requires suppliers to pay an annual fee of $69 to Ebix. For questions, call 1-951-925-6521.
  • Adherence to Stanford policies and initiatives
  • No gifts or gratuities to be offered or provided to Stanford personnel, or anything that could be construed as such. The Medical School has a special policy related to medical-industry suppliers
  • Shipping documents to include the Stanford purchase order number, building address, room number, and contact person
  • Invoices to include the Stanford purchase order number and that invoices be mailed directly to Accounts Payable

You can also help us both do a better job by:

  • Advising us if our specifications for a product can be improved to provide better performance, a longer-life product, and/or lower cost.
  • Keeping us supplied with your latest catalogs and current prices.
  • Keeping us informed of your back order situations, plant closures, impending shortages or strikes.
  • Calling the Purchasing and Contracts Department in advance for appointments.
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