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Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs

★ The following Major Programs have been updated for 2015-16:


  • The 2015-16 Handbook, Program Sheets, Approved Course Lists, and 4-Year Plans, are now available:
  • AP for Engineering Majors: Charts and explanation of how you can use AP, IB, GCE, and A-Level credit to satisfy requirements in your School of Engineering major.
  • Approved Courses 2015-16  2015-16 Course lists for Math, Science, Fundamentals, and TiS courses are on the Approved Courses page. Here you will find the courses that are allowed to fulfill School of Engineering breadth degree requirements for the upcoming year.
  • Program Sheets 2015-16
  • 4-Year Plans 2015-16
  • Overseas & Engineering: News Flash! Now SoE students studying abroad via BOSP can take one SCPD course for credit toward their major. See the Overseas Programs & Engineering page for more.
  • Joint CS+X Majors: for more information on these Computer Science + one of 10 Humanities majors see the Explore Degrees Joint Majors site
  • Minor program sheets for the nine minor programs offered in the SoE can be found on the Minor Program Sheets page. See Navigation Bar
  • SoE Honors programs now have their own page.
  • If you find broken links, please email

 UG Handbook
This site contains the handbooks, program sheets, petitions, Opportunities for Students*, links to School of Engineering majors/departments, and lists of approved courses for the Undergraduate Engineering Programs at Stanford University. The handbooks are the definitive source for undergraduate engineering requirements at Stanford. Students may graduate using the requirements listed in any one Handbook that is published while they are undergraduates. Since requirements often change from year to year, it is important for you to reference the Handbook that you intend to follow (see Handbooks in Navigation panel). The Handbooks are available in pdf format on the Handbooks page.

In additional to curricular requirements, handbooks contain information about procedures for declaring an engineering major, transferring engineering coursework from another school, petitioning for waivers and substitutions for requirements (see Petitions in Navigation panel), and for navigating the administrative processes to graduate. They also describes important opportunities* and programs for engineering students, such as  for overseas studies, summer research fellowships, diversity programs, and career placement services.

We hope that you will find the handbooks informative and useful, and we are interested in any suggestions you may have for improvements. If you have any questions about engineering degree requirements or about any of the information in the handbooks, please don't hesitate to contact your advisor or come see us in the School of Engineering's Office Student Affairs, 135 Huang. You are always welcome in the Office of Student Affairs.

Office of Student Affairs, 135 Huang Engineering Center
tel (650) 723-5984
fax (650) 723-5599

*Check out the Opportunities for Students page (see Navigation sidebar to left) for postings about summer research, events, scholarships, internships, funding for activities, new courses of interest to engineers, exploring engineering, etc. And send an email to Darlene at if you have content you would like to add to the page.

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 Science & Engineering Quad Now Part of Stanford Walking Tour

Go to Stanford SEQ Tour to learn more and reserve space in this tour that covers the Main Quad, the Science & Engineering Quad, and other campus areas.

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