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Exceptions from/Waivers to Requirements within your Engineering Major

Program Deviation Petitions: Departmental and School of Engineering 

Students have the option to petition to ask for exceptions/deviations from curricular requirements., or to waive requirements where no credit can be transferred, etc. Petitions should be approved prior to a senior student's last quarter to avoid any delay in graduation if the petition is denied.

Be sure to have completely filled out the petition form and your program sheet prior to handing them in.

Departmental Deviation Petition Form: Use this form only for changes to depth requirements and electives; petitions to deviate from depth requirements are handled departmentally. As each department has its own procedures, students are advised to check with their major departmental Student Services Office for guidance.

School of Engineering Deviation Petition Form: Use this petition to deviate from Math, Science, Technology in Society* (see #4 below), or Fundamentals requirements. Petitions to deviate from non-departmental School of Engineering requirements are reviewed by the Senior Associate Dean in the Office of Student Affairs.

When submitting an SoE petition:

  1. Be sure to include the reasoning behind your request and to obtain the signature of your faculty advisor.
  2. Attach a completed Program Sheet and a current Stanford Transcript (an unofficial AXESS copy is fine) to the petition request.
  3. Return the completed package to the School of Engineering Office of Student Affairs, 135 Huang Engineering Center.
  4. If you are petitioning for a Technology in Society course, there is an additional review required by Prof Robert McGinn, who oversees the TiS program. Please send him an email at <> giving him the course description and syllabus of the proposed substitution course. Copy Darlene <> on the email. You may start the petition document process with your department and OSA at the same time.

A completed petition package will include:

  • Completed form with reasoning behind request and faculty signature
  • Completed program sheet (it is not necessary to have your PS signed for a petition to be processed)
  • Unofficial Stanford Transcript.

Transfer Credit for Use in Your Engineering Major

Transfer Credit Petitions: Departmental and School of Engineering

-- It is not necessary to petition to use AP, IB, or A-Level credit for your engineering program. However, you do need to have the credit signed off when you declare; see AP CREDIT at the end of this page for detail.--

If you are planning to use courses taken at another institution to meet your Engineering requirements, the transfer credit must be approved in two places: 1- By the Registrar's office aka the SSC: Download the SU Transfer Evaluation form online and mail or take to the Student Services Center in Tresidder Union, 2nd Floor); 2- By the School of Engineering, prior to your final quarter, using the form(s) below.

For Transfer Pre-Approval: Fill out the appropriate petition below and check the Preapproval box in the upper right corner of the form. Preapproval is recommended for any course you propose to take for your SoE major to ensure the course is equivalent to the requirement you want to replace.

Be sure to have completely filled out the petition form and your program sheet prior to handing them in (your program sheet does not need signatures for a petition).

  • School of Engineering Transfer Petition Form: Transfer credit petitions involving Math, Science, Technology in Society(see #3 below), and/or Fundamentals courses require approval by the Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs; turn in your petition in 135 Huang.
  • Departmental Transfer Petition Form: Transfer credit petitions involving Depth courses require approval by your Major Advisor or Departmental Advisor; you are advised to check with your major departmental Student Services office for guidance.
    To have your transfer credit request processed and approved:
  1. Fill out the petition form
  2. Attach a completed Program Sheet, a copy of the course description (taken from the other institution's syllabus/course catalog), and your current Stanford transcript (AXESS copies are fine).
  3. If you are petitioning for a Technology in Society transfer, you must also request a review of the proposed course from Prof Robert McGinn, who oversees the TiS program. Please send him an email at <> giving him the description and syllabus of the proposed substitution course. Copy Darlene <> on the email. You may start the petition process at the same time.
  4. Turn in completed documents to the School of Engineering Office of Student Affairs, 135 Huang Engineering Center.
  5. Once you have completed the course and the transfer credit has been recorded on your SU transcript, notify so she can verify the transfer and complete the SoE process.

To reiterate, a complete package will include:

  • Completed petition form
  • Completed program sheets
  • Course descriptions from other institutions
  • Current unofficial Stanford Transcripts
  • For pre-approval, check "pre-approval" box on the form
  • Note: Incomplete packages will delay and complicate the petition process.

Pre-Appproval for Transfer Credit 

It is advisable for students planning to take courses outside of Stanford to file a Transfer petition in advance of enrolling for the course(s). This Pre-Approval process ensures that any course you take can be used at Stanford to fulfill program requirements. Just as in filing the usual Transfer Credit Petition (see directions above), it is best to get pre-approval at both the University and School of Engineering/Departmental level. Once you have received pre-approval, the only remaining step is to have your transfer transcript sent to SU showing completion of your course with a grade of C- or better. See above or the transfer petition form for complete instructions

GERs: Information regarding courses that have been certified to fulfill the General Education Requirements, and regarding a student's status in meeting these requirements, is available at the Student Services Center. Course planning and advising questions related to the General Education Requirements should be directed to Undergraduate Advising and Research.

AP Credit 

The School of Engineering requires that you get the Dean's Office of Student Affairs in 135 Huang to sign off on your AP or IB or A-Level credit when you declare a SoE major. Your SU transcript will show units of AP, etc. credit just under the top heading to the left. To get the sign off, bring your program sheet and the front page of your unofficial Stanford transcript (or a computer you can display it on) to 135 Huang for sign off. Nan and Darlene are generally in the office 9-4:45pm daily (except for 11:50-1:15); either of them can help you with AP sign off. If your transcript does NOT show AP credit, you will need to send a HelpSU ticket to the Student Services Center or visit in Tresidder Union to have the units applied.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything regarding these or any other requirements, feel free to drop by the Office of Student Affairs, 135 Huang Engineering Center.

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