Architectural Design Program

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2016-17 Program Requirements

  • UG Director: John Barton -- 267 Y2E2,
  • Student Services: Jill Filice -- 316 Y2E2,

The Architectural Design major seeks to integrate engineering and architecture in ways that blend innovative architectural design with cutting-edge engineering technologies. Combining hands-on architectural design studios with a wide variety of courses, students can choose from a broad mix of elective courses in energy conservation, sustainability, building systems, structures, as well as design foundation and fine arts courses.

In addition to preparing students for advanced studies in architecture and construction management, the program's strong math and science requirements prepare students well for graduate work in other fields, such as civil and environmental engineering, law, and business. The major provides a background for individuals wanting to explore a diversity of careers in architecture, engineering, construction, and structures.

This undergraduate major grants a degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a specialization in Architectural Design. This engineering major is not an ABET-accredited engineering degree, nor is it designed to lead directly to professional licensure in architecture. In order to become a professional architect or engineer, additional graduate training is required.

The program’s courses also benefit Civil Engineering majors who want to develop a "concentration" in architecture. In addition, for students majoring in related fields such as Urban Studies, Product Design, and Studio Arts, the course offerings in architecture and engineering can be used to fulfill the requirements for a minor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.


A total of 103 units are required, distributed as follows.

Mathematics and Science (36 units minimum), including
MATH 19, 20, 21 (or 41 & 42 or AP credit)
One course in Statistics required (see Chapter 3, Fig. 3-1 for list of approved courses)
PHYSICS 41 Mechanics, is required.
For other courses, choose from the School of Engineering approved list of math and science courses (see Approved Courses section of this site [Fig. 3-1]), and the following lists of additional approved or recommended courses for the major.

Specially approved science courses for the AD Major:
• EARTHSYS 101. Energy and the Environment
• EARTHSYS 102. Fundamentals of Renewable Power

Recommended math and science courses for the AD Major
• CEE 101D*. Mathematical Laboratory Applications in CEE Engineering
• CME 100. Vector Calculus for Engineers
• CEE 64. Air Pollution & Global Warming: History, Science, Solutions
• CEE 70*. Environmental Science and Technology
• GS 1. Intro to Geology
• PHYSICS 23 or 43. Electricity

* Courses used for the Science requirement may not also be counted as Fundamental or Depth/Core requirements.

Technology in Society
One course required; the course must be on the SoE-approved list the year it is taken. Choose from the approved list of courses on the Approved Courses page.

Engineering Fundamentals and Depth
63 units minimum required from Engineering Fundamentals, Required Depth Core, Options, and Electives

Engineering Fundamentals; three courses required:

  1. ENGR 14. Introduction to Solid Mechanics (req’d), 4 units
  2. CEE 146A**  (or CEE 126B, if taken Win 16-17)
  3. Fundamentals Elective, 3-5 units

** CEE 146A (or CEE 126B, if taken Win 16-17), may be used to fulfill the Engineering Fundamentals requirement only for AD and ENVSE majors. ENGR 60. Engineering Economy is no longer offered but may be used to fulfill the requirement if taken in the past.

Required Core (29 units)

  • CEE 31 or 31Q. Accessing Architecture Through Drawing, 5 units A,W,S
  • CEE 100. Managing Sustainable Building Projects *fulfills writing in major*, 4 units (A)

           or CEE 32D Construction: The Writing of Architecture, 4 units (S), or CEE 32G Architecture Since 1900, 4 units (W)

  • CEE 120A. Building Information Modeling, 4 units, A,W,S
  • CEE 130. Architectural Design: 3-D Modeling, Methodology, and Process, 5 units, A,W
  • CEE 137B (or other from 137 series). Advanced Architecture Studio, 6 units, S
  • ARTHIST 3. Introduction to the History of Architecture, 5 units, S

Depth Options; 12 units minimum

  • Choose at least 12 units from: CEE 101A, 101B, 101C, 156, 172, 172A, 176A, 180, 181, 182, 183, 226, 241, or 242

Depth Elective Courses; Elective units must be such that coures in ENGR Fundamentals, Core, Depth Options, and Depth Electives total at least 60 units.

At least one of the following courses:

  • CEE 32A or 32B or 32D or 32F or 32G or 32Q or 32R or 32S or 32T or 32U (32A/B/F/Q/R/S/T not given 2016-17)
  • CEE 131A or 131B or 131C
  • CEE 139. Design Portfolio Methods, 4 units S

Other electives from

  • CEE 1A. Graphics Course, AW, 2 units
  • CEE 32A. Psychology of Architecture, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32B. Design Theory, 4 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32D. Construction: The Writing of Architecture, S
  • CEE 32F. Light, Color, Space, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32G. Architecture Since 1900, W
  • CEE 32Q. Place: Making Space Now, 3 units, not offered 2016-17
  • CEE 32R. American Architecture, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32S. The Situated Workplace and Public Life, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32T. Making and Remaking the Architect, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 32U. Web of Apprenticeship, 3 units, S
  • CEE 101B. Mechanics of Fluids, 4 units A
  • CEE 101C. Geotechnical Engineering 3-4 units, A
  • CEE 120A/B. Building Modeling Workshop, 4 units, A/AWS
  • CEE 120C. Building systems Integration, 4 units, W,S
  • CEE 122A,B. Computer Integrated Architecture/Engr./Construction 3,2 units, W/S
  • CEE 124. Sustainable Development Studio 1-5 units A,W,S
  • CEE 131A. Architectural Design Process 3 units, S
  • CEE 131B. Financial Management of Sustainable Urban Systems, 3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 131C. How Buildings are Made: Materiality & Construction, 4 units, S
  • CEE 134B. Intermediate Architectural Studio 5 units, A,W
  • CEE 139. Design Portfolio Methods 4 units, W
  • CEE 172A. Indoor Air Quality 2-3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • CEE 176A. Energy Efficient Buildings 3-4 units, W
  • CEE 180. Structural Analysis 4 units, A
  • CEE 181. Design of Steel Structures 4 units, A
  • CEE 182. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3-4 units, W
  • CEE 183. Integrated Civil Engineering Design Project, 4 units, S
  • ENGR 50. Introductory Science of Materials 4 units, A,W,S
  • ENGR 103. Public Speaking 3 units, A,W,S
  • ENGR 131. Ethical Issues in Engineering 4 units A,W,S
  • ME 10AX. Design Thinking and the Art of Innovation, Sum 2 units
  • ME 101. Visual Thinking 3 units, A,W,S
  • ME 110. Design Sketching 1 unit, A,W,S
  • ME 115A. Human Values in Design 3 units A
  • ME 115B. Product Design Methods, 3 units W
  • ME 115C. Design and Business Factors, 3 units S
  • ME 120. History and Philosophy of Design 3 units, S
  • ME 203. Design and Manufacturing, 4 units A,W,S
  • ME 222. Beyond Green Theory, (Not given 2015-16)

Other Electives

  • ARTHIST 107A St. Petersburg, a Cultural Biography: Architecture, Urban Planning, the Arts (Not given 2016-17) 4 units
  • ARTHIST 142 Architecture Since 1900 (same as CEE 32G), 4 units, W
  • ARTHIST 143A American Architecture 4 units, A
  • ARTHIST 188A The History of Modern and Contemporary Japanese and Chinese Architecture and Urbanism (Not given 2016-17) 4
  • ARTSTUDI 13BX Painting for Non-Majors (Not given 2016-17), 2 units
  • ARTSTUDI 140 Drawing I A,W,S 3 units
  • ARTSTUDI 145 Painting I A,W,S 3 units
  • ARTSTUDI 147 Painting I, AWS, 4 units
  • ARTSTUDI 151 Sculpture I WS 4 units
  • ARTSTUDI 160 Intro to Digital/Physical Design A,W,S 3-4 units
  • ARTSTUDI 170 Introduction to Photography A,W,S 4 units
  • ARTSTUDI 171 Photography I Digital 3-4 units, A,W,S
  • ARTSTUDI 180 Color (Not given 2016-17) 3-4 units
  • TAPS 137 Hand Drafting for Designers  3 units, Not given 2016-17
  • FILMPROD 114 Introduction to Film and Video Production 5 units, A,S
  • URBANST 110 Utopia and Reality: Introduction to Urban Studies A,S, 4 units
  • URBANST 113 Introduction to Urban Design: Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice W 5 units
  • URBANST 163 Land Use Control (Not given 2015-16) 4
  • URBANST 171 Urban Design Studio S, 5 units

Suggested Course Concentrations and Sequences

Subject to the requirements outlined above, students have considerable leeway in choosing their depth electives and other courses to best suit their background and interests. By careful selection of technically-oriented depth electives, students can complement their studio experience with courses in structural analysis, construction, cost estimating, and energy efficiency.

Students intent on applying to architecture graduate school are encouraged to take studio art courses as early as possible in their academic career and to take more than the required number of architecture studios. In preparation for architecture graduate school applications, students should plan on taking the portfolio preparation class (CEE 139). It is also recommended that students take computer modeling courses which will enable them to pursue summer internships. Internships are valuable since they allow students to test their interest in architecture as a profession.

For AD 4-year plans and program sheets, go to the Navigation bar. Select from any year you are enrolled at Stanford.

Instructions on Declaring Major in Engineering: Architectural Design (ENGR-BS)

1. Print your unofficial Stanford transcript from Axess and download the Architectural Design (AD) program sheet from the Program Sheet page.
2. Complete the AD program sheet, indicating how you plan to fulfill the major requirements and which electives you plan to take. Fill in every course you intend to take as well as courses you have already taken for your major. Please include full titles of the classes. Refer to the Approved Courses section for allowed math, science, Engineering Fundamental, and TIS courses. Complete as much of the program sheet as possible on your own.
3. Locate your freshman advising folder and declare on Axess; use Engineering as your plan and Architectural Design as your subplan.
4. Make an appointment with Program Director John Barton (Y2E2 Bldg., Room 267), bringing your SU transcript and program sheet to the meeting. Review your program sheet and clarify questions regarding your academic plan.
5. Jill Filice will email you when you can go on Axess and declare online.
6. If your program sheet changes as you progress in the program, you should submit revisions in consultation with your advisor. Note that any deviations from the approved program need to be petitioned; see below. Submit a final program sheet at the beginning of the quarter you plan to graduate.
Other information:
Procedures for requesting transfer credits and program deviations are described in detail in Chapter 4 - "Policies and Procedures." The relevant forms and instructions can be found on the "Petitions" page. If you are requesting transfer credits or program deviations for the Depth portion of your program, you should bring a copy of your completed petition form and your unofficial transcript to the CEE Student Services office; obtain your program sheet from your file and attach to your other forms for processing.