Opportunities for Students

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ENGR 193, Discover Engineering: How to Aim High, Embrace Uncertainty, and Achieve Impact.

Nita Singh Kaushal, founder of MissCEO, will lead the 1-unit seminar. The goal of the course is to empower engineering undergraduate and MS students with leadership skills in order to effectively navigate their fields and prepare for life beyond Stanford. We will highlight various professional perspectives by inviting Stanford alums to come and share their stories, mentor, and help explore career options. Over the quarter, we will provide a toolkit that will help set students up for success when they launch their careers.

Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30pm, Lathrop 282

Questions? Contact Indrani Stangl | Associate Director, Alumni Relations & Student Engagement

Facebook: Stanford School of Engineering | Twitter: @StanfordEng | Instagram: StanfordEng

Design Your Life or Design Your Stanford

ME 104B Designing Your Life is meant for junior and seniors of all majors who want to learn a creative approach to designing their future beyond Stanford. In addition to an introduction to Design Thinking, the course provides students tools and a community of peers with whom to reflect on big questions related to their futures. Students in all disciplines have informed us that the experience was a great complement to their major, offering a chance to contextualize what they've been studying and suggesting ways to continue pursuing these interests beyond Stanford. Open to juniors, seniors and 5th year coterms, all majors. Additional course information at http://www.designingyourlife.org.
Spring: Fri 2:30 PM - 4:20 PM at 550-200, Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

ME 104S Designing Your Stanford uses a Design Thinking approach to help Freshmen and Sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational wayfinding, and innovating college outcomes - all applied through an introduction to Design Thinking. This seminar class incorporates small group discussion, in-class activities, field exercises, personal reflection, and individual coaching. Admission to be confirmed by email to Axess registered students prior to first class session.
Spring: Thu 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM, Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 2 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

ENGR Education Couse

EDUC/ENGR 391: Engineering Education and Online Learning
3 units
Spring Quarter
Mon, Wed 3:00-4:20pm
Lathrop 180

A project based introduction to web-based learning design. In this course we will explore the evidence and theory behind principles of learning design and game design thinking. In addition to gaining a broad understanding of the emerging field of the science and engineering of learning, students will experiment with a variety of educational technologies, pedagogical techniques, game design principles, and assessment methods. Over the course of the quarter, interdisciplinary teams will create a prototype or a functioning piece of educational technology.

If you have any questions, please, reach out to Petr Johanes at pjohanes@stanford.edu.

New Intro Bio Class for Spring

Frosh interested in the Bio-focused engineering majors have a new option:

BIO 60: Introduction to Problem Solving in Biology, Spring 2017

Highly recommended for freshmen interested in Bio and serves as the starting point for the Bio Major; Satisfies WAY-SMA; can be taken for credit/no credit

· Why is Lyme disease spreading?
· How does HIV become drug resistant?
· How do other animals affect our disease risk?
· As a scientist, how can you battle infectious disease?

In BIO 60 students will examine actual case studies to experience how different scientific approaches are used to battle infectious disease. They will evaluate information presented in the popular media and the scientific literature, and will directly participate in the scientific process through hands-on collection, documentation and analyses of authentic scientific data. Students will cultivate their scientific curiosity by discovering the natural world with a Foldscope, the ‘origami paper microscope’ (https://microcosmos.foldscope.com). Students will build critical thinking skills by creating hypotheses, and designing experiments that pertain to problems in infectious disease and will work in teams to expand their thinking and practice science communication.

For questions, e-mail Waheeda Khalfan (wkhalfan@stanford.edu)

Schwab Learning Center Tutoring Jobs

One-on-One Subject matter tutoring for undergraduates with Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
$27/hour, 1-4 hours per week
If interested, please complete an online application--TUTORING

Questions? Contact Debra Leong dleong2@stanford.edu
International students ARE eligible for this employment opportunity. (International graduate students are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per week. If they are already working as a TA or RA, they may or may not be eligible depending on their TA/RA commitments.)

Navy Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Program

Would you like to skip the desk job and jump into a position leading people and harnessing power? The NUPOC is constantly seeking the best and brightest individuals from around the country to man state of the art nuclear-powered ships and submarines, teach the demanding curriculum required in the nuclear field, and provide the oversight and program management needed to support such a wide-ranging and cutting edge organization.

Summer Institute for General Management (SIGM)

SIGM iis a four-week summer program centered around a curriculum of business fundamentals taught by Stanford GSB Faculty. It is designed for students from non-business majors, with each year's class including representation from the humanities, arts, engineering, social sciences and more. Class sessions are supplemented with additional professional development training and esteemed guest speakers from the Silicon Valley community. The first application deadline is January 27, 2017 (also the deadline for merit-based awards).

Cargill Global Scholars Program

Cargill Global Scholars Program: The CGSP is a unique scholarship and leadership development opportunity for freshman and sophomore students studying in a field relevant to Cargill's world of food, agriculture and risk management. Apply by March 1, 2017.

Mathematical,Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) at UC Irvine

Apply to the graduate program in Mathematical,Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) at UC Irvine: looking for excellent students, with a variety of different backgrounds, who wish to work at the interface between the biological sciences, the physical sciences, computer sciences and engineering. The graduate program in Mathematical,Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) is designed to meet the interdisciplinary training challenges of modern biology and to function in concert with existing departmental programs (Departmental Option) or as an individually tailored program (Interdisciplinary Option) leading to a M.S. or Ph.D. degree.

The degree program provides students with both opportunity for rigorous training towards research careers in areas related to systems biology and
flexibility through individualized faculty counseling on curricular needs, and access to a diverse group of affiliated faculty and research projects from member departments.
Current member departments include Biomedical Engineering, Biological Chemistry, Computer Science, Developmental and Cell Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Mathematics, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics. The program emphasizes in-depthclassroom study, interdisciplinary research rotations, and individualized advising. The program is administered by the Center for Complex Biological Systems, a National Institutes of Health National Center of Excellence in Systems Biology.
More information about the program, including how to apply, is available at MCSB.

Engineers in Washington DC

Bing Stanford in Washington Program: The Bing Stanford in Washington Program is not just for social scientists, there are many wonderful internships opportunities for Engineers in DC! Winter quarter with it's focus on the environment and healthcare is a particularly great time for Engineers to go to SIW. Engineering students have interned in the Department of Energy, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Pentagon, among many other locations. For more information and to apply check out our SIW website

Plan for a Quarter Abroad

Even Engineers Go Abroad!

As summer fun ends, think about this: You could go abroad this year -- yes, even engineering students can carve out time to go abroad! Think about it -- here are some reasons to travel in 2016-17:

  1. Prof Sheri Sheppard and Ed Carryer from Mechanical Engineering will be teaching in Berlin, Spring 2017
  2. Winter quarter is a good time to go abroad as there is often less impact on curriculum
  3. Coterms who have not yet conferred their BS are still eligible to travel
  4. BOSP offers ways to fulfill requirements in GERs (including language), WAYS, ENGR 40, and ENGR 50
  5. Internship and research opportunities are offered at several campuses
  6. You can now take one advanced engineering course if offered by SCPD the quarter you are abroad; see the BOSP site for detail
  7. in Winter 2017-18, Prof Markus Covert from BioE will be teaching in Paris -- plan ahead!

Check out all the facts at the BOSP site -- your undergrad years are the best time to travel with a group of your favorite peers.

Request Funding for School of Engineering Activities: Student Group Funding

Does your student group need funding for an activity that benefits the School of Engineering community or furthers the goals of your association, for instance, attendance at a national convention? The SoE accepts applications to assist groups with limited funding (there is no money provided for snacks at meetings). Click here for a proposal template; if you have questions, contact Darlene Lazar in 135 Huang Engineering Center or at dlazar@stanford.edu.

Proposals are accepted and reviewed quarterly. Submission deadlines for academic year 2016-17 are:

Autumn*: October 28, 2016

Winter: February 3, 2017

Spring: May 5, 2017

  • Submit one paper and one electronic copy of your proposal to Darlene Lazar
  • Use our template to provide information on your proposal , including data on other sources of funding received at Stanford
  • Grants will not exceed $5,000
  • Incomplete proposals will not be considered
  • Proposals for early fall activities should be submitted the previous spring quarter

WISE Course Sampling to Check Out

Writing Intensive Seminars in English (WISE) focus on a small group of texts placed in conversation with works of literary criticism and theory. By the end of a WISE course, you will have produced a high-quality final research paper that incorporates critical theory. WISE classes are taught in a small format that will allow you to receive detailed commentary and one-on-one feedback on your writing. Each class is capped at 6 students. To get a permission number to enroll, email the English Department’s Student Services Specialist, Maile Yee at mayee@stanford.edu. There are NO PREQUISITES for these classes, and they are open to all Stanford undergraduates.

Autumn: 162W-1 Literature in 3D: Space and Spatiality in Nineteenth-Century Fiction/Frances Molyneux

Imagine to yourself Melville’s Pequod, or Bronte’s Thornfield Hall, or Joyce’s Dublin; can you situate yourself inside these spaces? Can you see the bricks, the wooden planks, the ceiling or sky above you? Ask yourself: are you supplying the detail from your own experience, or is it written into the text? TTh 4:30-6:20pm

Winter: 162W-3 Conspiracy Theories in American Literature

From the Illuminati and the Freemasons to 9/11 truthers and the birther movement, conspiracy theories have played a compelling role in American culture. In this course, we’ll read a selection of conspiracy fictions from the early years of the American republic to today—including works by Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, and Thomas Pynchon, as well as the latest reincarnation of The X-Files—and think about the formal, political, and epistemological issues they raise. Linda Liu/ TTh 9:30-11:20am

Spring: 162W-1 Sexuality and Story in the Enlightenment

What does it mean to discuss gender and sexual orientation historically? How do ideas about queer, deviant, or, for that matter, “straight” identity change over time? Does literature offer insight into these questions that history cannot? We will approach these issues in the fiction and drama of the long eighteenth century—an era marked by political and scientific revolution—with focus on the figure of the “libertine.” Erik Johnson/ TTh 9:30-11:20am

Spring: 162W-2 Breaking the Chains: African American Science Fiction

Recent critics have remarked that the history of the African Diaspora is like a science fiction plot. They make a fair point: the Africans who crossed the Middle Passage endured abduction by technologically advanced invaders, being taken to strange new lands with alien customs, and having their descendants permanently genetically altered due to compulsory participation in selective breeding programs—a set of circumstances almost too bizarre to imagine. Andrew Shephard/ MW 3:30-5:20pm

Pumps and Systems Subscription

Pumps & Systems, the world’s leading magazine for end users of industrial pumps and related components, is offering students a free digital-only subscription. This opportunity is perfect for students pursuing a career in mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical engineering. To subscribe, simply fill out the form.

REU Possibilities from Every SoE Department

Amazing research goes on within Stanford’s School of Engineering and you can be a part of it. Through the REU program, enrolled Stanford undergraduates have a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge research guided by Stanford faculty. Professors are excited to work with bright, enthusiastic undergraduates. If you are interested, look below to learn more:

Who Should Apply for REU?

If you are a Stanford undergraduate interested in engineering research, you should consider applying. Each engineering department has its own requirements for applicants; visit the links in the How to Apply section for more information.

How to Apply

The application process is department-specific, so pick one (or several!) departments that interest you and visit the department's website to learn more. Most departments open up applications for summer research in mid-winter or early spring quarter. Not all majors are listed below. If you want to work with one of your professors in an area not listed, talk to them directly about opportunities.

Here are the departments that have offered REU in the past. Some provide a webpage and application, in others a person within the department to contact about possible research opportunities:

Aeronautics and Astronautics
Contact the AA professor you would like to work with. For help, you may contact Patrick Ferguson at patrickf@stanford.edu
Visit BioE REU site and contact Teri Hankes thankes@stanford.edu. Applications are due by end of the first week in February
Chemical Engineering
The deadline early March; REU details on the CHE REU page. Contact Pamela Dixon prdixon@stanford.edu or Prof Andrew Spakowitz, ajspakow@stanford.edu
Civil and Environmental Engineering
This year's application for summer research is due by in mid February; check this site for details:
Computer Science
For summer research, apply to CURIS (http://curis.stanford.edu/) by 5pm on Friday, Feb 14.
Electrical Engineering
For summer research, apply to the REU Summer Program
Applications are now open. Contacts are Meo Kittiwanich or Olav Solgaard.
Engineering Physics
Management Science & Engineering
Contact Lori Cottle, lcottle@stanford.edu
Materials Science and Engineering:
This year's application for summer research has not opened yet. Last year's application (http://mse.stanford.edu/current/vpue.html) was due on March 15th
Mechanical Engineering
For summer research, consider SURI (http://me.stanford.edu/current_students/ug_research.html)
There is no application; students should contact affiliated ME faculty directly by the end of May to secure a position for the summer.


I've never had any research experience before. Is the REU program really a possibility?
Everyone starting research has that question, so do not be deterred. Around 200 students are part of the program each summer. If you are eager and ready to learn you will almost certainly succeed. Be persistent.

I missed the deadline for applying to my department's summer research program. Can I still get involved in research?
Try contacting a particular professor in the department that you would like to work with, and ask if he or she still has openings for undergraduates. Realize, however, that the number of positions in limited.

What is the stipend?
For the most part, a summer research program will provide a full-time stipend of up to $6000 for the 10-week summer session.


Prepare for Community-Based Internships by Taking Course this Fall

Do you want to develop the tools to foster a meaningful and effective internship this year or next summer? Consider taking Preparing for Your Community Based Internship (HUMBIO 9/EARTHSYS 9/URBANST 101). It's never too early to prepare! If you're looking for specific help for how to find and fund internships, we will spend some class time covering that this fall as well. Join us!

HUMBIO 9: Preparing for Your Community Based Internship (EARTHSYS 9, URBANST 101)
This course is designed to help students make the most of their internship experience by setting learning goals in advance, negotiating clear roles and expectations, and preparing for the professional role required as part of the organization. The goal is to help students avoid common pitfalls of internships. Through readings, discussions, and guest speakers, explore how to prepare for your internship, work with your community partner, and how best to leverage an internship when you return: as a research topic in an honors thesis, as a fellowship placement, or as a stepping stone to future career opportunities. This class is oriented to students who have already identified an internship for summer or a later quarter, but we are open to discussions about finding and funding internships if of interest to students. For HumBio majors, this course counts towards the Foundations requirement.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Gaulocher, S. (PI) ; Terra, L. (PI) ; Truebe, S. (PI)

Tutor for Athletes

The Academic Athletic Resource Center (AARC) provides drop-in tutoring hours, as well as course-specific group tutorial sessions, for Stanford student-athletes. We’re seeking graduate students or advanced undergraduates to fill tutoring positions in CME 102, Engr 14, and Engr 30. The typical time commitment is two evening hours per week; the pay is competitive. For information on how to apply, contact Lindsay Shaffer at <Shaffer4@stanford.edu> in the UAR.

Global Engineering Programs and Internships 

The Stanford School of Engineering offers several programs including:

The China Internship Program (CIP) through which Stanford SoE undergraduate and graduate students can spend the summer working in China.
The Bridge to China Program through which Stanford SoE undergraduate and graduate students can spend one week in spring quarter building a bridge in rural China with other students from Chinese universities.
The Technology and Engineering Study Tour for undergraduate and graduate students to go on a two week trip to gain first-hand insights into technology and engineering-based businesses inside China or India with a faculty member and a Ph.D. student. Offered in partnership with BOSP. Participants will earn 2 units.

See the Global Engineering Website for information sessions, deadlines, and other detail.


Scholarship for UGs in Semiconductor/Nano Fields

Critical Systems is now offering the Breakthrough Technologies Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to 3rd or 4th year engineering/science students pursuing a career in Semiconductor and related specialty areas such as Nanotechnology, MEMS, Solar PV, Thin Film, or other advanced technologies. There are currently 2 scholarships being awarded annually – one Summer Award, and one Winter Award. The purpose is to help those students to meet the financial requirements as they pursue their degree, over and above any financial aid or other scholarships that they may receive.

Find more at the CSE Scholarship website

Engineers in the Arts Scholarship

Sponsored by the School of Engineering to encourage engineering students to continue their music studies while at Stanford. To be considered, applicants must be officially declared in the School of Engineering (graduate or undergraduate programs). The fund is for private music lessons and the applicant must be in financial need. For more information and an application to to the [Https://music.stanford.edu/FOMScholarship Friends of Music at Stanford] site. Questions may be directed to Rowan Leigh at

Braun Music Center
541 Lasuen Mall

Haas Center Public Service Fellowships

For public service opportunities, visit the Haas Center's Fellowships Database: http://bit.ly/uUXMuG

For more information, go to the Haas Center website.
Haas Center Undergraduate Summer Fellowships

Offering over 100 fellowships which provide nine-week-long public service experiences in the U.S. and abroad. http://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/haas/fellowships

Contact: Jeff Hawthorne at jhawthorne@stanford.edu

Stanford in Government (SIG) Summer Fellowships

SIG is a non-partisan student group, dedicated to promoting political awareness and connecting students with opportunities in public service. SIG offers 40 paid fellowships annually and this year is launching a stipend program to support students with self-identified public service internships.

Tutoring for Engineering Courses

Tutoring for Engineering Classes from CTL or TBP:

If you need help finding tutoring for an engineering course, please use this link for Center for Teaching and Learning tutoring services:

Tutoring for SoE Courses

If you would like to add content to this page, email Darlene at dlazar@stanford.edu.

How to Explore Engineering by Topic

Introductory Seminars:

Frshman and Sophomore IntroSems are designed to explore a topic that often isn't otherwise part of the curriculum for a particular major, and do it with a faculty instructor in a small-class setting. To get a further hint of the emphasis of the class, check the offering department in column two. See page 3-4 of the 2011-12 UGHB for a list of this year's offerings.

Engineering Fundamentals by Topic:

BioE and/or ChemE:

ENGR 20. (3 units) Overview of chemical engineering through discussion and engineering analysis of physical and chemical processes.
ENGR 25B. Biotechnology (3 Units) Biology and chemistry fundamentals

ENGR 50M. Intro to Materials Science, Biomaterials Emphasis (4 units) relationship between atomic structure and macroscopic properties of man-made and natural materials; mechanical and thermodynamic behavior of surgical implants
ENGR 80. Intro to Bioengineering (4 units) Overview of bioengineering focused on engineering analysis and design of biological systems

ENGR 90. Environmental Science and Technology (3 units) Introduction to environmental quality and technology of understanding environmental issues
ENGR 62. Intro to Optimization (A, S, 4 Units) Formulation and analysis of linear optimization problems

ENGR 40. Introductory Electonics (A, S; 5 units) Overview of electronic circuits & applications.
ENGR 40C. Engineering Wireless Networks (S, 5 units) A hands-on introduction to the design and implementation of modern wireless networks.

ENGR 40M. Making Stuff: What is EE
ENGR 40P. Physics of Electrical Engineering (5 units) How everything from electrostatics to quantum mechanics is used in common high-technology products

ENGR 25E. Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (3 units) An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption.
ENGR 50E. Introduction to Materials Science - Energy Emphasis (4 units)
Materials structure, bonding and atomic arrangements leading to their properties and applications


ENGR 50. Intro to Materials Science, Nanotechnology Emphasis (4 units) The structure, bonding, & atomic arrangements in materials leading to their properties & applications.

ENGR 14. Introduction to Solid Mechanics (4 units) Introduction to engineering analysis using the principles of engineering solid mechanics.
ENGR 15. Dynamics (4 units) The application of Newton's Laws to solve static and dynamic problems, particle and rigid body dynamics, freebody diagrams, and writing equations of motion.
ENGR 30. Engineering Thermodynamics (3 units) The basic principles of thermodynamics

ENGR 70A (same as CS 106A). Programming Methodology (5 units) Introduction to the engineering of computer applications
ENGR 70B (same as CS 106B). Programming Abstractions (5 units) Abstraction and its relation to programming. Uses the programming language C++
ENGR 70X (same as CS 106X). Programming Abstractions Accelerated (5 units) Intensive version of 106B

General Engineering:

ENGR 10. Intro to Engineering Analysis (4 units) Integrated approach to the fundamental scientific principles that are the cornerstones of engineering analysis

If you would like to add content to this page, email Darlene at dlazar@stanford.edu.