News Details

Buena Vista Mobile Home Closure

Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Closure Decision

On September 30, 2014 Hearing Officer Craig Labadie issued a final decision on the Mobile Home Park Closure application. To review the decision letter please click here

The City received the final decision on October 1, 2014. The final decision was forwarded to the park owner and park resident's attorney on October 1, 2014. Per PAMC 9.76.060, any appeal must be filed with the City Clerk " within ten days of the date the hearing officer's decision becomes final." The decision became final on September 30, 2014, so any appeal must be filed by October 10, 2014. As October 10th falls on a 9/80 Friday, when City Hall is closed, the last day of the appeal period would roll over to the next business day- Tuesday, October 14, 2014 (Monday, October 13, 2014 is a holiday). If an appeal is filed, the City Council will agendize the appeal at an appropriate and reasonable time. 

Appeal Form


The Buena Vista Mobile Home Park is located at 3980 El Camino Real and is situated on four parcels encompassing a total land area of approximately 4.5 acres (196,020 sq. ft.). The existing mobile home park consists of 104 mobile homes, 12 studio units and one single family home. The studios and single family units are rental units. The site is zoned RM-15 (low density multi-family) with a Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Multi-Family. The site is located within the Barron Park neighborhood, just south of the corner of Los Robles Avenue and El Camino Real. Directly across the street from the site along Los Robles Avenue are the three-story 46-unit Montage Apartments and the 37-unit two-story Villa de Las Plazas. The western border of the property is adjacent to a 16-unit, two-story apartment building and one and two-story single family homes, all located on Magnolia Drive. The southern border of the site is shared with a two-story affordable apartment community owned by the Palo Alto Housing Corporation and the northern border is shared with an existing retail building that includes Baja Fresh, Jamba Juice, C2 Education Center, Imperial Spa (formerly Blockbuster Video) and the Valor Gas Station, which all front on El Camino Real. The commercial areas are owned by the same owner but are not proposed for conversion or land use change.



On November 9, 2012, the owner of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park, located at 3980 El Camino Real, submitted an application to close the Park in accordance with the City’s Mobile Home Park Conversion Ordinance (Ordinance) Chapter 9.76 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code. By Ordinance, the Park owner and the City are required to follow a set of rules for determining the potential impacts of the closure on the mobile home owners residing in the Park and to determine appropriate relocation assistance for the Park residents. The Ordinance requires that a Relocation Impact Report (RIR) must be provided to the City after individual meetings between a “relocation specialist” and residents, with the RIR outlining proposed terms for relocation. After the Relocation Impact Report has been deemed complete by the City a hearing officer appointed by the City will then conduct a hearing to consider if the relocation assistance measures proposed by the park owner are adequate to mitigate the adverse impacts on the displaced residents.  The hearing will also provide an opportunity to consider objections by residents, and that determination may then be appealed to the City Council.


The Ordinance includes the following basic steps in the process, and in some cases, timelines for each:


1. Applicant files closure application.

2. Applicant retains, upon the City’s approval, a Relocation Specialist and an Appraiser.

3. Applicant distributes a Resident Questionnaire to all residents, outlining their particular

circumstances (mobile home ownership and value, family and special needs, etc.).

4. Relocation Specialist meets individually (generally multiple times) with each household

to outline options for relocation and financial assistance.

5. A Relocation Impact Report (RIR) is provided to the City, to address the proposed

relocation assistance to be provided to each eligible household.

6. An appraisal of the value of the Park is provided to the City.

7. A hearing with a City-selected Hearing Officer is conducted to determine whether

residents have agreed upon relocation assistance terms or to adjudicate disputes.

8. If desired by any resident, an appeal to the City Council is available to consider

individual relocation concerns or objections; and

9. Following final determinations, a Notice of Relocation is issued and a minimum of six (6)

months is afforded to residents in order to relocate from the Park and for the park

owner to provide the relocation assistance required by the City as a condition of



The overall timeline for the above process is likely to take at least six (6) months, prior to the

Notice of Relocation, so at least 12 months from the application to relocation.



On May 2, 2013, the owner submitted the Relocation Impact Report to the City for review. On June 6, 2013 the City sent notice to the Owner that the Relocation Impact Report was incomplete.  See attachment # 32 below for first Notice of Incomplete. On July 10, 2013 the owner re-submitted the Relocation Impact Report to the City for review.  On August 8, 2013 the City sent notice to the Owner that the Relocation Impact Report was incomplete.  See attachment # 38 below for second Notice of Incomplete. On September 18, 2013 the owner submitted a second amended Relocation Impact Report for the City to review.  On October 18, 2013 the City sent notice to the Owner that the Relocation Impact Report was incomplete.  See attachment # 52 below for third Notice of Incomplete. On December 4, 2013 the owner submitted a third amended Relocation Impact Report for the City to review. On January 2, 2014 the City sent notice to the Owner that the Relocation Impact Report was incomplete. See attachment #54 below for the third Notice of Incomplete. On January 9, 2014 the owner submitted the fourth amended Relocation Impact Report. On February 7, 2014 the City sent notice to the Owner that the Relocation Impact Report was incomplete. See attachment #56 below for the fourth Notice of Incomplete. On February 10, 2014 the owner submitted the fifth amended Relocation Impact Report. On February 20, 2014 the City deemed the Relocation Impact Report complete.

On February 20, 2014 the City issued a News Release regarding the current status of the mobilehome park closure application. Links to the News Release, the Notice of Complete and all other pertinent, including a Fact Sheet are provided below. 

On May 12-14, 2014 the hearing officer, Craig Labadie held three public hearings at Avenidas to discuss the Mobile Home Closure application.

On August 27, 2014 the Hearing Officer issued a tentative decision on the Mobile Home Park Closure application. To review the decision letter please click here. Under the hearing process agreed to by the Hearing Officer and two parites (Park owner and Park residents) each party had 10-14 days to provide comments on the tentative decision. The comment period concluded on September 10, 2014.

On September 30, 2014 Hearing Officer Craig Labadie issued a final decision on the Mobile Home Park Closure application. To review the decision letter please click here.

The City received the final decision on October 1, 2014. The final decision was forwarded to the park owner and park resident's attorney on October 1,  2014. An appeal was filed on October 14, 2014. The City Council held a hearing on January 12, 2015, to adopt the procedures for the appeal hearing. The appeal hearing is set for April 13, 2015. The hearing will be held at the City of Palo Alto Council Chambers at 250 Hamilton Avenue.

All questions can be emailed directly to

The hearings were on the following dates and times:

1.       Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:30 PM -9:30 PM
2.       Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 6:30 PM-9:30 PM
3.       Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 6:30 PM-9:30 PM

The hearings took place at Avenidas located at 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, CA 94301.  Parking is available directly across the street at the Bryant/Lytton Parking Garage located at 445 Bryant St., Palo Alto, CA 94301.

All questions can be emailed directly to:



1. Mobile Home Park Conversion Ordinance
2. Closure Application
3. December 17, 2012 Council Informational Report
4. Location Map
5. Hearing Officer Resume
6. Relocation Impact Report (w/out appendices
7. Historical Rent Analysis
8. Letter from Melissa Morris
9. CV for Autotemp Relocation Specialist
10. CV for Appraiser
11. Letter from Joe Jisser
12.Letter from Director of Planning
13. Letter from Joe Jisser
14. Agenda & Additional Information
15. Copies of Proof of Services
16. Letter from Margaret Ecker Nanda
17. Copies of Receipts & Proof of Service
18. Civil Code Section 798 et seq (Cal. mobile home residency law)
19. Copy of Resident Questionnaire
20. Legal Description of Park
21. Department of Housing and Community Development Letter
22. Letter from David Becarria
23. Scope of Work for Appraiser
24. Appraisal of Park
25. Academic Performance Index
26. Appraisal Summary Data
27. Condominium Sales Data
28. Comparable Mobile Home Parks
29. HCD List of Mobile Home Parks
30. Mobile Home Mover Estimate
31. Apartment Rents for Surrounding Cities
32. Hearing Officer
33. Notice of Incomplete

  Revised Submittal July 9, 2013

34. Relocation Impact Report
35. Revised Appendices Part 1
36. Revised Appendices Part 2
37. Letter to the City July 9, 2013
38. Notice of Incomplete-August 8, 2013

Revised Submittal September 18, 2013

39. Relocation Impact Report
40. Comparable Condominium Sales Data
41. Comparable Apartment Information as amended
42. Comparable Mobile Home Sales Date in a 35 mile range
43. Letter from the City August 8, 2013
44. Email to the City August 23, 3013
45. Email to the City September 5, 2013
46. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24, sections 3280.109 and 3280.106
47. Letter from David Beccaria September 12, 2013
48. Letter from Buena Vista Mobilehome Park Residents Association   August 19, 2013
49. Letter from Margaret Ecker Nanda September 10, 2013
50. Mobilehome sales data
51. Condominium Sales data
52. Notice of Incomplete Relocation Impact Report

Revised Submittal December 4, 2013

 53.   Revised Relocation Impact Report 
Notice of Incomplete

Revised Submittal January 9,2014

  55. Revised Relocation Impact Report 
  56. Fourth Notice of Incomplete

Revised Submittal February 11, 2014

  57. Revised Relocation Impact Report
  58. Notice of Complete 
  59. News Release-February 20, 2014
  60. Fact Sheet
  61. March 20, 2014 Notice of Hearing

Final Decision September 30, 2014

Last Updated February 19, 2014